Montreal Gazette

Bordering on great


To paraphrase Robert Frost, someone there is that doesn’t love a wall. And that someone is David Hare. The British playwright and two-time Oscarnomin­ated screenwrit­er (for The Hours and The Reader) has visited Israel regularly since the late 1980s and, as he sees it, things there are getting worse.

Part of that has to do with the constructi­on of what is officially termed the Israeli West Bank barrier, although it’s instructiv­e to note that its common Hebrew name translates as “separation fence,” while in Arabic it’s “racial segregatio­n wall.” The wall was started in the early 2000s as a deterrent to suicide bombings.

Wall, Hare’s personal investigat­ion into the meaning and effects of the barricade, include discussion­s with fellow intellectu­als from both the Israeli and Palestinia­n communitie­s.

Driving through the countrysid­e with a Palestinia­n friend

behind the wheel, Hare witnesses the slowdowns and indignitie­s of checkpoint­s; though at one point, mistaken for Israeli settlers, they are diverted onto a pristine and empty highway to Ramallah. There, they meet a Palestinia­n lawyer who notes that his hometown is lucky not to be mentioned by name in any holy book; it makes life there a little more normal.

Wall was directed by Cam Christians­en, an animator with the National Film Board of Canada. He has animated the story, though to uneven effect. It’s cool to see the border barrier springing up like a mushroom in some shots, falling from the sky like a heap of Jenga blocks in others. But the human faces are not as well served.

Technical quibbles aside, Wall is an engrossing and individual discussion of a seemingly intractabl­e problem that was originally floated as a solution.

But the security barrier has since become a de facto future border, even where it cuts into Palestinia­n territory. Meanwhile, terrorism continues, with rockets fired over the wall. “In the kernel of an idea lies that idea’s incipient obsolescen­ce,” Hare notes. More than 15 years in the making, and not even complete, the wall already has cracks.

 ?? NFB ?? Canadian Cam Christians­en’s engrossing new animated documentar­y Wall explores the fence that separates Israel and Palestine both physically and philosophi­cally.
NFB Canadian Cam Christians­en’s engrossing new animated documentar­y Wall explores the fence that separates Israel and Palestine both physically and philosophi­cally.

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