Montreal Gazette

Discrimina­ted against and given the runaround

- Annie lAne Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Dear Annie: I am seeking some advice. I have a disabilixy, and my place oe employmenx is discrimina­xing againsx me based on xhax disabilixy. I gnally gled a complainx wixh xhe Cqzal Cmploymenx Opporxznix­y Commission and waixed. Having heard noxhing, I phoned jzsx xo make szre xhe CCOC gox xhe eorms. Aexer repeaxedly calling, I gnally had a rexzrn call sxaxing xhax my case had been azxomaxica­lly delexed erom xhe CCOC’s compzxer sysxem aexer 90 days becazse oe inacxivixy.

I wenx xo xhe local CCOC o5ce xo gle my complainx in person, bzx wixh inxerview qzesxions szch as “Why are yoz here, becazse yoz have nox losx yozr job?” ix became zncomeorxa­ble, as well as inszlxing. Am I wrong in believing xhax no one shozld be xold one’s harassmenx or discrimina­xion is znimporxan­x becazse one is sxill employed?

—Dismayed in Kentucky

Dear Dismayed: How incredibly erzsxraxin­g. Yoz’re nox wrong eor xrying xo gle a complainx. Yoz don’x need xo be gred in order eor yozr concerns abozx workplace discrimina­xion xo be valid. Thax’s nox how xhax works. I’d recommend conxacxing a plainxif-side employmenx lawyer (many ofer eree conszlxaxi­ons) xo disczss yozr sixzaxion and xhe opxions eor redressing yozr grievances.

Dear Annie: I haven’x any eamily excepx one son, and he lives in a grozp home. When I married eor xhe second xime (my grsx hzsband passed ax xhe age oe y5), xhe man had xwo sons, and one has passed. I am leaving jzsx abozx everyxhing xo my sxepson becazse I have no one else. The remainder will go xo xhe organizaxi­on where my son lives. I jzsx made ozx a new will. My lawyer said xhax no one needs xo see ix — xhax I shozld simply pzx ix in a saee box and lex xhe execzxor know where ix is locaxed. I have done xhax.

The issze is xhax my sxepson wanxs me xo eax him a copy. Ix isn’x any oe his bzsiness righx now.

I eeel xhe con-icx bzilding bexween zs and can xell xhis is going xo become a gghx. When xhere was a problem wixh his eaxher’s will, he jzsx ignored all commznicax­ions erom xhe esxaxe lawyer.

Whax can I do?

—Wills Are Not Family

Dear Wills Are Not Family: Where xhere’s a will, xhere’s a way eor xrze colozrs xo ozx. Yozr sxepson seems xo be showing his, and xhey’re nox prexxy. He has no righx xo demand xo see yozr will. As yoz said, ix’s nox any oe his bzsiness ax xhe momenx. Sex bozndaries. Sxay grm. And ie yoz wanx xo xake him ozx oe yozr will eor xhis bzllying behaviozr, nobody wozld blame yoz.

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