Montreal Gazette


Spruce up your entryway

- Matthew Hague

The front hall is often where our best intentions to get (and stay) organized gather dust. Shoes, backpacks, keys, errant mittens — if you don’t have a workable system for what goes where, it becomes that much harder to ever leave the house on time.

We turned to Toronto interior designer Lisa Canning for some help. Canning creates HGTVworthy rooms (literally — over the last decade, she’s worked as a production designer on a number of popular shows, including Buying and Selling with the Property Brothers). She also has a growing family of six kids with a seventh on the way, so she knows how to create beautiful yet practical spaces.

1 Look for a storage unit with shallow drawers.

It’s ideal to quickly hide mess. I usually recommend one drawer per family member for keys, sunglasses, mail, whatever — we all need a place for the little things.


Add a small chair or stylish ottoman.

It’s great for putting on shoes and an easy and affordable way to update the look of your space without a major overhaul.


Find a hiding spot.

A chic basket is a good place to stash larger items, like a baseball glove or a full-on Lego scene your kid was building on the credenza minutes before company arrived.


Get reflective.

With mirrors, the go-big-or-gohome rule definitely applies. Besides being functional, mirrors help reflect light into small, dark spaces. 5

Double up.

If there’s room, I always recommend two rugs: a hardy one for wiping off muddy boots and a pretty one that works with the decor. If space is an issue, look for a durable, indoor/outdoor option.


Pull it all together.

A small, simple tray is a great styling hack for all the disparate elements on your credenza, like books, vases and plants. When you cluster them on a tray, everything looks curated. 7

Follow your nose.

It can be an amazing space, but not if it smells like old shoes. I love using essential oils to keep my entrancewa­y smelling fresh. I use a programmab­le diffuser with two scents I can change depending on what I feel like.

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