Montreal Gazette


- BRENDAN KELLY brendansho­wbiz

It turns out that Leonard Cohen wrote a poem about Kanye West. Let’s be polite and say Cohen seems to have liked Kanye about as much as Taylor Swift does — as in, not very much.

The Cohen poem was written in March 2015 and has been published for the first time in the new book The Flame, a posthumous collection of poetry and lyrics. Here’s the poem:

Kanye West is not Picasso

I am Picasso

Kanye West is not Edison

I am Edison

I am Tesla

Jay-Z is not the Dylan of anything I am the Dylan of anything

I am the Kanye West of Kanye West

The Kanye West

Of the great bogus shift of bullshit culture

From one boutique to another I am Tesla Iamhiscoil

The coil that made electricit­y soft as a bed

I am the Kanye West Kanye West thinks he is

When he shoves your ass off the stage

I am the real Kanye West

I don’t get around much anymore

I never have

I only come alive after a war And we have not had it yet

This popped up on social media Thursday and caused quite a kerfuffle. Some loved it, some hated it. My pal Dan Seligman, who runs Pop Montreal, called it “sheer genius” on Facebook, while Cameron Skene said in the same conversati­on that “It is funny — think of it as a sketch, rather than, say, a full Picasso.” Playwright Steve Galluccio opined on Facebook that “it sounds like the ramblings of an old baby boomer who is bitter about culture in the age of social media.”

Columnist Toula Droumanis liked the poem, saying on Facebook she got pleasure out of it on the day that Kanye was meeting President Donald Trump.

Kanye did indeed meet the U.S. president and, as expected, went off on an incoherent rant in front of Trump and the media horde, saying, among other things, how inspiring it felt to be wearing a Make America Great Again baseball cap.

“You made a Superman — that’s my favourite superhero — you made a Superman cape for me,” Kanye said.

So yeah, Kanye is not Picasso. He’s actually a bit of an idiot who says idiotic things all the time. At this stage, it’s clear he’s not mentally stable. But we knew all this before we read Cohen’s poem.

To say Kanye is not Picasso is self-evident. It’s also the kind of thing I might have written in my notepad in Grade 7, if Kanye had been around at that time. The poem is really quite adolescent.

Cohen has written some great poetry. Think of, say, the lyrics to Tower of Song. Lines like “I ache in the places where I used to play” or “I was born with the gift of a golden voice.” Great stuff and very funny. Self-deprecatin­g. Tongue firmly planted in cheek. That’s our man in the famous blue raincoat.

I remember when I first met Cohen, in the late ’80s. We had a couple of smoked-meat sandwiches together at The Main, which was his favourite smokedmeat joint. I’m Your Man, Cohen’s funniest album, had just come out, and that humour was a new thing for Cohen. So I went to lunch expecting a dour, dark, melancholi­c chap and instead I met a lively, super droll guy who was all about sending himself up.

And there is some of that humour in the Kanye West poem, but mostly there is a kind of grumpiness that’s off-putting, reminding me of all the boomer musicians I’ve heard endlessly dissing Kanye and hip-hop in general as they sit home listening to the same old Dylan and James Taylor albums.

Fact is, Kanye West has made some great art, just as that fellow Pablo Picasso made some. And both have made art that’s not great. Kanye’s last show at the Bell Centre, in September 2016, was astonishin­g. Some parts of his 2016 album The Life of Pablo are sheer genius.

But a poem about how there’s “a great bogus shift of bullshit culture from one boutique to another” is not great art. It’s just lousy poetry. Cohen says Jay-Z is “not the Dylan of anything ” but frankly Dylan is not the Dylan of anything any more either.

The bottom line is that I don’t really want to hear about old guys who don’t like the music kids are listening to.

I love Leonard, but that doesn’t mean I love everything he did. Same goes for any artist, whether it’s Kanye or Pablo.

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Kanye West
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