Montreal Gazette

Pot workers won’t be denied entry to U.S.

- Mia Rabson

OTTAWA • Working in Canada’s legal pot industry won’t deprive you of a Disney World holiday after all, but the U.S. government’s about-face for cannabis employees doesn’t change anything for Canadians who want to smoke marijuana legally after next week.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection updated its statement on Canada’s legalizati­on of cannabis on Wednesday to say Canadian citizens who work in the industry and want to travel to the United States should “generally be admissible” as long as their trip is unrelated to the marijuana industry.

Workers who want to travel for business related to the industry will still be denied entry, the statement says.

It is a significan­t change from the policy issued on Sept. 21 that said working in the industry “may affect admissibil­ity.”

“I’m shocked,” said Len Saunders, a Canadian working in Washington State as an immigratio­n lawyer. “This is what I was hoping for.”

When the September statement came out, he said he figured two years of lobbying efforts had failed. He has no idea what changed in the past three weeks.

“This helps hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have any sort of direct or indirect involvemen­t in the Canadian cannabis industry,” he said. “Everyone is calling me, whether it’s CEOs or regular workers or those with remote connection­s to the cannabis industry.”

Saunders had been telling Canadians in the industry that they should be concerned. Now he said he will tell them to print out this new statement and bring it to the border to ensure whomever they deal with can read the policy.

Saunders also said it’s important to note that Canadians involved in any elements of the U.S. cannabis industry, in states where it is legal like Colorado or Washington, may still be denied entry.

But for Canadians in the Canadian industry, it is “the best case scenario.”

Henry Chang, a partner in the cannabis practice group of Toronto law firm Blaney McMurtry, says some uncertaint­ies remain surroundin­g the U.S. policy.

“Can you not go at all as a business visitor, can I go to a cannabis conference?” he asked. “I don’t know.”

He noted the statement is also specific to Canadian citizens and employees, but it doesn’t mention investors or Canadian permanent residents.

“Logically, it should apply to them too but none of things we’ve been hearing from CBP has been logical,” he said.

Chang also noted admitting to smoking legal pot could still keep you out of the U.S. if the border agent thinks you are a drug addict.

 ?? DARREN BROWN ?? U.S. authoritie­s say Canadian cannabis workers can travel to the U.S. if their trip is unrelated to the pot industry.
DARREN BROWN U.S. authoritie­s say Canadian cannabis workers can travel to the U.S. if their trip is unrelated to the pot industry.

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