Montreal Gazette

Keep daughter away from toxic household


Dear Annie: My 15-year-old daughter has a friend, Dawn. Dawn’s mom, Lucy, married a widow, Reba, two years ago. Reba sold her home and bought a house with Lucy at Lucy’s suggestion. Reba is probably in her early to mid60s; Lucy is much younger.

Lucy talks to my daughter about how they use Reba. All they have to do is ask for something or imply they want something, and they know that Reba will get it, because if Reba even thinks about denying them, they completely shut her out and none of the family will speak to her for days. Reba is now in a position where she cannot move out because she put all of her money into the house they bought. Dawn says her mom will not even consider selling the house to give Reba her money back. I would appreciate your take on this and any suggestion­s. Concerned in Vestavia

Dear Concerned: Stop letting your daughter spend time at that house, as she shouldn’t learn from that kind of example. Continue to let Dawn come to your house, so that hopefully she can learn from yours. All the rest is the family’s business, for better or worse. Leave it be.

Dear Annie: I am writing in response to the letter from Grateful Grandma, the relatively young grandmothe­r who is raising her grandson. She pleaded with parents to invite her grandson over, be patient with him and “understand that he’s a bit high strung” due to his circumstan­ces (neither parent is involved in his life).

As a school psychologi­st, I see many children who are being raised by other family members, including grandparen­ts, and I applaud them for giving these children loving homes. I also see that parents can be defensive about a child who is struggling and may not see that the child needs interventi­on to be socially successful. I suggest that Grandma ask the boy’s teachers how his social skills are at school. If they have already shared concerns, don’t brush them off, because they get to see your grandson in a social atmosphere all day. Talk to coaches as well.

If he is having difficulti­es with self-regulation, impulsivit­y, getting along with peers, etc., the other parents may be hearing that from their children and are reluctant to reach out to him. Family counsellin­g, behaviour therapy and other options may help. I’m sure the school could provide her with some referrals. Another Perspectiv­e

Dear Another Perspectiv­e: I value your expertise and appreciate this letter. Perhaps it will shed some additional light on the situation for Grateful Grandma.

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