Montreal Gazette

‘What we saw was disastrous’ at Laval care home


Health-care worker Nathalie Bourque cried last week for the first time since the COVID-19 crisis began, but not because she was sad.

It was the first time Bourque — a public health-care employee called to work at the privately run Residence Ste-rose in Laval — had a chance to hold someone’s hand while he was dying.

“We put music up to his ear and held his hand; I had my phone in a plastic bag,” Bourque told the Montreal Gazette in a phone interview. “For me, caring for someone isn’t just feeding and changing, but to have a personal connection.

“Until that point, I would come into people’s rooms and they were already dead. For three weeks, I was just doing the essentials for people: changing them and feeding them. I was taking care of their bodies, but doing nothing for their souls.”

Bourque has worked for two privately owned seniors’ homes since the coronaviru­s outbreak in March.

Her first stint was from April 12 to May 1 working at Les Loggias Villa Val des Arbres, a privately run long-term care facility in Laval’s east end. Owners of that residence called Laval’s public health authority for help in mid-april because of a severe shortage of staff. Bourque was one of the first to answer the call.

Suzie Pellerin, a spokespers­on for the residence, said 42 of the residence’s employees were asked to self-isolate on April 7 for a variety of reasons. By April 13, only 20 per cent of the employee shifts were being covered, Pellerin said, as many part-time employees had chosen to work at other residences and were not therefore permitted to set foot on the premises.

“The director was trying to manage by herself, but realized she couldn’t keep up,” Bourque said. “When we got there, we saw diapers with thick feces, people sitting in urine. People were malnourish­ed and dehydrated. What we saw was disastrous. My heart was bleeding for them.

“There were no employees left and there were some times at night that me and my colleague were all alone: just two of us for 70 people on the floor.”

Official statistics from Quebec’s ministry of health report 15 people had died of the virus and another 12 were still infected as of May 14 in the 150-bed establishm­ent. However, Bourque says those figures don’t bear out her experience. She said at least 20 people died during the time she was there and some had died before she arrived.

“I don’t know if it was only from COVID,” she said. “Some probably died because they were malnourish­ed. I think some people died from a cocktail of things. COVID and no eating or drinking and (depression). You’re stuck in your bed. You don’t have your family with you and everyone you see looks like an astronaut.”

Pellerin acknowledg­ed it was difficult at the residence between April 7 and April 20 when reinforcem­ents from the army and volunteers began to arrive on site. Since then, however, matters have vastly improved at the residence.

Bourque agreed the situation had improved significan­tly by the time she was dispatched to Residence Ste-rose on May 1. There, however, the situation was even more desperate, she said. The residence bills itself as a place for autonomous seniors, but the virus affected the residents so badly that many could no longer go to the bathroom themselves or get out of their beds, she said.

A spokespers­on for the 90-room residence declined an interview request on Tuesday, but owner Mario Beaufort told Radio-canada earlier this month that about eight people had died of the virus, more than had died in the last nine years.

“People don’t die here,” he said. “We’re the middle ground between someone’s private home and a long-term care facility.”

Beaufort said the virus caused his patient population to lose their autonomy. Bourque agreed, saying the facility was not equipped to deal with patients who needed more care.

“From one day to the next, the people can’t get up, they can’t turn over,” she said.

Bourque added that the Laval health authority (CISSS) has been very slow to respond to the situation. For instance, she requested thick bed pads that would serve as a barrier for patients who urinate in their beds so their sheets don’t get wet and to help orderlies turn patients over. She also had asked for gowns for the patients to wear, but it took one week for the necessary supplies to arrive.

In recent days there have been some improvemen­ts, Bourque said. Health-care workers have even had time to entertain the residents with music and sing-alongs at night. Some residents have been able to contact their family members for the first time in months through video chats. Bourque said it has made a huge difference in the morale of her patients.

“I am in the process of seeing people who I thought would be dead this week all of a sudden doing much better,” she said.

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