Montreal Gazette


New York rival delivers one of the great moments in sport with home run No. 61


Almost as if the bright lights were foreshadow­ing history, the giant scoreboard asked for more noise.

And then just like that, in a moment of baseball magic never to be forgotten, Aaron Judge delivered.

He hit his 61st home run of the season Wednesday at Rogers Centre. He tied Roger Maris from 1961. He did what no one in modern history has done without a syringe. And there are seven games left for him to hit one more, to become the unofficial official home run champion of baseball. And Toronto reacted as it should, loud and frenzied, just as the scoreboard requested.

It made noise. It stood and cheered a New York Yankees star. The hated New York Yankees. It wouldn't stop and it wouldn't sit down. Just like it was one of ours. Just like he was a Toronto Blue Jay. But that's what should happen in the biggest moments, the best moments, the ones that change baseball from every other day during the course of six months. It all gets reduced to one pitch and one at-bat and one line drive more certain and hit farther than the one Joe Carter smashed to win the 1993 World Series.

This will always be the biggest regular season home run in this city. Roberto Alomar hit his playoff homer in Oakland. Ed Sprague hit his pinch-hit shot in Atlanta. Edwin Encarnacio­n and Jose Bautista, he of the bat flip, hit theirs in this park in recent times. No one has hit a 61st before here because no one before Maris hit that many and no one has shown a first reluctant and then appreciati­ve Rogers Centre crowd how to comprehend the moment, take it all in, be able to tell their friends for the rest of their lives they were there when Judge hit his 61st home run off Tim Mayza.

A no-doubter of a home run. A screaming line drive. There was no waiting to know if it was going out. If you're here often enough, you knew almost immediatel­y. Judge must have known immediatel­y.

I was there when Kawhi Leonard hit that still ridiculous jump shot from the corner and changed the Toronto Raptors forever. I was there when Doug Gilmour pulled off the wraparound goal, one of the great playoff moments in modern Toronto Maple Leafs history. I was there for the Carter home run and the homers by Bautista and Encarnacio­n. Those were spectacula­r Toronto sporting moments.

This one was spectacula­r but different. Your heart was beating fast as you watched. It wasn't better than those seen here before, just different. A player who isn't yours, isn't ours, making history. And a player who isn't yours was being cheered just like he was one of us.

These are moments you carry with you all your life if you're a sports fan. A chance to say you were there. A chance for the million or so people watching across Canada to be able to own that for the rest of their lives. The Maris family was there, as they have been throughout the entire chase, and they were hugging and applauding and perhaps shedding a tear or two. The hug from Roger Maris Jr. to Judge's mom in the stands was something unforgetta­ble.

The Maris family has been waiting for this. They want to see one more home run. Seven games to go. He has to get there, doesn't he? He has to find his way to 62 and become the first non-juicer in history to reach that plateau.

Judge wasn't a Yankee on Wednesday night as much as he belonged to all of baseball. This was his home run and their home run and our home run, all at the very same time. His moment, their moment, our moment. When does that ever happen? Only on momentous occasions such as this. This is where sports is different than anything else in our lives.

The crowd wanted a home run and didn't want a home run, all at the same time. And then they stood and cheered and cheered some more as Judge went through a reception line of hugs and smiles and more hugs in front of the Yankees dugout. A never-ending ovation.

He grabbed every teammate, one after another, that wide smile of his never leaving his face, and he worked his way right through every player on the bench, and the coaches, and of course, his manager and largest supporter, Aaron Boone.

The home run came in Judge's fourth at-bat of the night, his first time facing the lefty Mayza.

Home run No. 61. History before our very eyes.

 ?? NICK TURCHIARO/USA TODAY SPORTS ?? Aaron Judge hitting his 61st home run of the season against the Toronto Blue Jays was history before our very eyes, writes Steve Simmons.
NICK TURCHIARO/USA TODAY SPORTS Aaron Judge hitting his 61st home run of the season against the Toronto Blue Jays was history before our very eyes, writes Steve Simmons.
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