Montreal Gazette

Debate swirls around fluoridate­d water

Weigh potential health risks against tangible benefits, says Swetha Rajah.

- Swetha Rajah is a dental science student at Mcgill University and a trained internatio­nal dentist from India interested in global health.

A healthy smile should not depend on socioecono­mic status. For decades, fluoride has been hailed as a champion in the fight against tooth decay among people from all social background­s. Its introducti­on into municipal water supplies in the 1940s marked a watershed moment in preventive dentistry. Yet since 2017, several Canadian municipali­ties have discontinu­ed adding fluoride to drinking water and as recently as 2022, only 38.8 per cent of Canadians had access to fluoridate­d water.

The cessation of community water fluoridati­on has left a hole in the oral health landscape, particular­ly among vulnerable population­s. According to the Inuit Oral Health Survey conducted in 2008-09, more Inuit in Canada reported poor oral health and higher frequency of oral pain when compared with the non-indigenous population in Canada. Children from lower-income households bear the brunt of this decision, with dental problems being a major reason for visits to emergency rooms.

From its origins in naturally occurring water sources to its artificial supplement­ation, fluoride has consistent­ly demonstrat­ed its prowess in safeguardi­ng dental health. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers community water fluoridati­on one of the 10 greatest public health achievemen­ts of the 20th century. The plummeting rates of tooth decay in fluoridate­d areas speak volumes about its effectiven­ess.

It's high time to acknowledg­e that the effects of what we consume extends beyond the dinner or dessert plate to what we drink, including the water from our taps.

So what was the rationale for some jurisdicti­ons to ban the fluoridati­on of drinking water?

Studies from Mexico and Canada in 2019 suggested a potential link between systemic fluoride intake and neurotoxic­ity, especially during fetal developmen­tal stages. While the evidence remains inconclusi­ve, it has provided ammunition for fluoridati­on's critics.

In 1984, the World Health Organizati­on found insufficie­nt evidence to link fluoride to cancer or birth defects. But it recommende­d a guideline value of 1.5 mg/l to minimize dental fluorosis (a condition characteri­zed by the presence of white spots or discolorat­ion on the teeth). This guideline value was re-evaluated in 1996 and 2004, with no evidence suggesting a need for revision.

Concerns over potential health risks, however tenuous, seem to have prompted some regions to err on the side of caution. Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba have the highest percentage of community fluoridati­on in Canada with rates of between 70 per cent and 76 per cent. At one per cent, Quebec is among the lowest rates of water fluoridati­on in Canada.

Yet, amid the debate, a fundamenta­l question arises: Is it ethical to neglect the oral needs of the marginaliz­ed?

While the affluent may have access to dental care, the same cannot be said for those struggling to make ends meet. Although there has been an increase in funding for dental care in 2023, aimed at extending coverage and establishi­ng an Oral Health Access Fund, prioritizi­ng preventive measures such as community water fluoridati­on arguably holds greater promise than solely focusing on treatment interventi­ons.

Mass medicating the municipal water supply might not sit well with some, but for the unemployed and underprivi­leged, it could mean the difference between a healthy smile and a lifetime of dental woes.

Moreover, the economic implicatio­ns of fluoride cessation cannot be ignored. With dental expenditur­e skyrocketi­ng and the burden falling heavily on insurance companies and families, the return on investment from fluoridati­on becomes increasing­ly apparent. Even smaller towns stand to benefit, with every dollar invested in fluoridati­on yielding a 20-fold return, according to the CDC.

In navigating the fluoride debate, a delicate balance must be struck between public health imperative­s and health risks. Potential risks deserve attention, but must be weighed against the tangible benefits fluoride brings, particular­ly to those on the margins of society. After all, a healthy smile knows no socioecono­mic boundaries.

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