More of Our Canada

Editor’s Letter

- Gary George

Thinking back to this time last year, there is no way to overlook the fact that we’ve all lived through a lot since the onset of the pandemic. As I write to you today on December 16, 2020, from the healthy confines of my bubble/home office, I’m guessing we’ll still have a ways to go by the time you read this letter, but things will be looking up. As I’ve often mentioned in the past, your stories, photos, letters and social media posts during these times are an amazing source of positive energy for me, the rest of the OC team and for many of our fellow Canadians as well, courtesy of your submission­s published to date.

And that positive energy continues in this issue. By way of example, I’ll point you to Cause for Applause on page 18, where self-described “lifetime scribbler” Isabella Mindak of Ottawa pays tribute to the benevolent works of recently deceased Dave Smith—business magnate, philanthro­pist and Order of Canada recipient. It’s a rags-to-riches-to-helping others tale that left me in awe of this gentleman.

In a similar vein, there’s My Hometown on page 42—“The Cart Cleaner with Cufflinks” by Gaurav Ghose of London, Ont. A journalist and communicat­ions consultant by trade during his former life in Dubai, Gaurav now takes pride in working on the frontlines in his family’s new hometown, where he strives to make every visit to the grocery store a clean, safe and memorable one for area residents. And what better way to spend a winter like this one than by pursuing your passions or reviewing past travels? In this regard, allow me to introduce you to Maria Powell of Calgary, who scored a rare “Double Whammy” by having two stories appear in the same issue. For an armchair tour of wondrous Victoria, see Maria’s Our Travels piece on page 20, and for all you fans of vinyl, check out her Collectors story on page 54.

Stay safe and keep the good vibes coming, Canada!

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