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Cause for Applause

- By Lorna Cassie-bywater, Huntsville, Ont.

Last summer’s ‘Fun Day’ at Otter Lake became a message of hope

The summer of 2020 will long be remembered as Covid summer. Since early March, we have adjusted our ways of life with social distancing from everyone we care about. The ongoing world health crisis has made it necessary for each of us to do our part in keeping ourselves and others safe from the coronaviru­s infection. It’s been scary, it’s been uncertain and it’s been dark. But we Canadians can always find light even in the darkest times. In previous years, the long weekend in August has been a highlight of summer for cottagers on Otter Lake near Dorset, Ont. It’s the weekend that we traditiona­lly hold our Otter Lake Fun Day, a time when cottagers get together to celebrate summer—with water sports, canoe racing, land games, a fish pond for the kids and plenty of barbecue being all part of the fun.

Well, COVID-19 may have cancelled our Fun Day last summer, but a new event has been born. “Distanced But Not Alone” had cottagers take to the water in canoes, kayaks and paddle boats to paddle together, but apart, around the lake. Most participan­ts wore t-shirts with “Distanced But Not Alone” emblazoned across the back. It was easy to stay distanced out on the water. Toddlers, teens, middle-agers and seniors were cheered on by other cottagers relaxing on docks along the way. Some rang bells, others waved posters, and colourful balloons decorated docks here and there. The day was perfect, sunny, warm, and filled with love and enthusiasm for our lake. My husband, Rick, and I cheered enthusiast­ically as each watercraft paddled past our dock. It was wonderful to greet and see people we had been distanced from all summer long. We are determined to stay healthy, positive and hopeful until we return to more normal times. We may be distanced but we are not alone—and ever hopeful for another beautiful long weekend this coming August.

 ??  ?? Top: Participan­ts paddle by as Lorna’s husband Rick (above) looks on.
Top: Participan­ts paddle by as Lorna’s husband Rick (above) looks on.

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