National Post

Holiday state of mind

- Linda Blair The Telegraph Linda Blair is a clinical psychologi­st. Her book, The Key to Calm is published by Hodder & Stoughton.

It’s that time of year: too many obligation­s, too little time. Last January, you probably promised yourself you’d never let it get so bad again. Yet here you are, worn out and overloaded once more.

The good news is it’s not too late to get on top of things and actually enjoy Christmas this year. Here’s how:

Start by writing down everything you absolutely must do to keep yourself healthy — the amount of rest/ sleep that’s best for you, time to wind down at night and time, however brief, to sit and eat something nourishing. Allow 20 minutes outside in natural light, and 20 to 30 minutes to take a walk or engage in some other form of aerobic exercise.

The total will come to between 10 and 12 of every 24 hours. Write these into your diary. It’s essential that you start this way; if you don’t prioritize your own health, you’re likely to end up feeling so tired and stressed, you’ll become inefficien­t, make poor decisions and fail to enjoy whatever it is you do.

Next, write down obligation­s — activities you must fulfil ( work, school runs, shopping, cooking, domestic chores...). Estimate time needed for each, including travel time. Double your estimates for Christmas shopping and cooking Christmas meals.

Now write down everything else you’ve been asked to — Christmas work do, school concert, parties and outings. When you’ve writ- ten it all down, look through your list. If there were only one event you’re allowed to attend, which one would it be? Write it in. If there’s still free time, select your second favourite and write that in. Carry on until your diary is full — but not overfilled.

Finally, and do this right now, before you lose your nerve, turn down the remaining invitation­s. Keep your message simple.

It may sound laborious, but writing it all down in this way is not only a slick trick to make you feel more in control, it will also give you a realistic schedule. Will you end up doing less? Probably. Will you enjoy what you do more? Most certainly.

 ?? COURTESY MAGNOLIA PICTURES ?? Making a realistic schedule is key to a Happy Christmas.
COURTESY MAGNOLIA PICTURES Making a realistic schedule is key to a Happy Christmas.

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