National Post

Crown points at Duffy’s duplicity

- Christie Blatchford in Ottawa National Post cblatchfor­

That there were dark forces at work in the office of former prime minister Stephen Harper, working feverishly behind the scenes to stop the expenses scandal swirling around Sen. Mike Duffy and others doesn’t get the former broadcaste­r off the hook for his own criminal conduct.

“Yes, the PMO had its own compelling interests” for wanting to put a lid on the scandal, prosecutor Jason Neubauer told Ontario Court Judge Charles Vaillancou­rt Monday. “But that doesn’t shelter Sen. Duffy.”

Neubauer and f el l ow Crown attorney Mark Holmes were making their closing submission­s in the fraud and bribery case that seems to have no end.

Theirs was a brisk pitch to common sense and the ordinary and plain meaning of words and actions, an approach immediatel­y denounced by Don Bayne, Duffy’s lawyer, as “thin and insubstant­ial.”

Bayne noted that he had prepared more than 260 pages of submission­s for the judge, suggested the prosecutor­s had “simplified and mischaract­erized” much of the evidence, then complained they got their material to him only last weekend.

(All that is likely a function of the fact that unlike Bayne, who is quasi- retired and chooses his few clients carefully, the prosecutor­s have multiple other cases, including murder trials, to manage.)

As Holmes said in written materials prepared for the judge, “These submission­s, like the trial itself, highlight the difference­s in approach” between Bayne and prosecutor­s. Despite the “detailed examinatio­n of policy instrument­s, the findings of external audits, the media attention and the political implicatio­ns” of the long trial, he said, this is basically a case about “an employee who exploited his position to claim compensato­ry payments to which he was not entitled.”

Duffy is pleading not guilty to 31 offences.

Many relate to living in the National Capital Region expenses that are meant to defray legitimate costs for out-of province senators who have to travel to Ottawa, but which Duffy, an Ottawa resident for decades, claimed while continuing to live full-time in his suburban Kanata home.

Other charges are related to travel expenses for trips Duffy billed as Senate business but which the prosecutor­s say were primarily personal and private.

For instance, there were several business-class flights for Duffy and his wife Heather to British Columbia, where their adult children live and which appeared to involve little, if any, actual work.

A third category involves payments made with funds from Duffy’s office budget, but which were quietly handled through what the Crown calls a “slush fund” run by Duffy crony Gerry Donohue via a couple of his family companies, and which were thus exempt from ordinary Senate scrutiny.

These payments included: fees for speeches, including some Duffy delivered but was also richly paid for privately; two volunteers who had done work for him and never expected to be paid; a fitness trainer Duffy turned on paper into a “consultant” (they purportedl­y would discuss fitness for seniors as Duffy rode the exercise bike); and at least two explicit workaround­s of the Senate rules, once when Duffy had Donohue pay a makeup artist despite being told earlier that wasn’t allowed.

The final category of three charges — bribery, accepting a benefit and breach of trust — relate to Duffy’s accepting $90,000 from former Harper chief of staff Nigel Wright to repay four years’ worth of expenses after they became public and immersed Duffy, and the Red Chamber itself, in scandal.

A hallmark of Duffy’s actions, the prosecutor­s said, is duplicity in how he portrayed them to officials in the Senate and the Prime Minister’s Office, and in paperwork, and a stubborn aversion, even in his testimony at trial, to ac- cepting a shred of responsibi­lity or blame.

With the “service contract” for the fitness trainer, Holmes said, “the nature of the service is exercise. Labelling it as ‘consulting’ doesn’t affect the nature of it.”

And as for his habit of “pre-signing” expense forms — with the signature, a senator certifies the expenses are legitimate, which he can hardly know if he hasn’t even incurred them yet — Holmes pointed out that even in the witness stand, Duffy “refused to accept that this was a significan­t and deceptive practice.”

With the bribery charges, Neubauer reminded the judge that it was Duffy who first told Wright he didn’t have the money to repay the expenses and that it was his then- lawyer, Janice Payne, who insisted in negotiatio­ns with the PMO that he “must be made whole,” meaning not suffer any financial hardship.

And, Neubauer said, days before he finally agreed to repay the expenses ( with Wright’s personal funds), Duffy “on his own initiative” took out a mortgage on his Kanata home to “provide the facade or the fiction that he was repaying the money himself.”

That’s also how he later characteri­zed the repayment in a TV interview.

And at one point, as Neubauer told the judge, Duffy and Payne “explicitly sought the assurance of the PMO that this matter would not be referred to the RCMP.”

That demand wasn’t accepted, but that he tried to get “removal from RCMP scrutiny” shows his “intent was to thwart any potential investigat­ion of his own criminalit­y.”

Throughout the negotiatio­ns with the PMO, Neubauer said, Duffy was an eager participan­t in scripting the “media lines” that he and others would use in describing the arrangemen­t to repay his expenses.

Alluding to the defence line that Duffy’s free will was overrun by the bullies from the PMO, Neubauer sneered, “That’s not capitulati­on. That’s Sen. Duffy asserting his power.”

Bayne will make his closing submission­s Tuesday, at which point the judge is expected to reserve his decision to an unknown date.

 ?? WAYNE CUDDINGTON / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Sen. Mike Duffy leaves an Ottawa courthouse on Monday.
WAYNE CUDDINGTON / POSTMEDIA NEWS Sen. Mike Duffy leaves an Ottawa courthouse on Monday.
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