National Post



Having last year commended the provinces for running off in all policy directions on climate, the self-appointed Ecofiscal Commission is now stressing how important it is that they all be guided to the same destinatio­n, with Justin Trudeau as the good shepherd, and the commission as lead consultant on sheepdog training.

The tight policy pen into which they wish to restrict the country is that of “carbon pricing,” an issue that continues to heat up the wonkaspher­e as federal-provincial working groups fight over how to address the national emissions- reduction commitment­s reaffirmed by the Trudeau Liberal government in Paris last year.

One suspects that the average person spends little or no time thinking about carbon pricing, mainly because she hasn’t seen much of it yet. Ontario has certainly inflicted conspicuou­s damage on its economy in the name of climate control, but that is just a fraction of the economic “stringency” — i.e., pain — required to meet those Paris commitment­s: a 30 per cent emissions reduction below 2005 levels by 2030. This lack of policy masochism obviously can’t continue, as the Ecofiscal Commission’s new report, “Comparing Stringency of Carbon Policies,” points out.

Carbon pricing is intended to make the use of fossil fuels — on which our industrial civilizati­on depends — prohibitiv­ely expensive. The rationale is that emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are threatenin­g life on earth by warming the atmosphere and stoking catastroph­ic climate change.

It is intriguing that the new report stresses the problems of “complex and often contentiou­s economic modelling,” and yet expresses no such doubts when it comes to the infinitely more complex issue of modelling the climate. The commission popped that issue down the memory hole last year when it claimed that it deferred to “the best available evidence from the scientific community.” That evidence consisted of the much-debunked study that claimed that “97 per cent of scientific studies” support the hypothesis that “climate change is driven by human actions,” and the contention, in the most recent report from the intensely politicize­d Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, that there is “more than a 95 per cent probabilit­y that human activity is responsibl­e for climate change.”

Strange how probabilit­ies can go up as the underlying models fall down. Still, let’s forget science and logic and get with the main purpose of the program: more — and more complex — policy.

The Ecofiscal report pores meticulous­ly over various “metrics,” confirming how far allegedly “market-based” policies have strayed from the market. B.C. and Alberta have carbon taxes or levies which apply only within the province, whereas Quebec and Ontario have, under the Western Climate Initiative, committed to a cap and trade system that will reach out to purchase certified hot air from the likes of Elon Musk in California.

The report goes laboriousl­y through the significan­ce of the marginal versus average price of carbon, how much activity each provincial policy covers, and what impact emissions trading might have. But there are two elephants in the room, one referred to in the report, and one not.

The one to which no reference is made is what impact Canada reaching its 2030 target would have on global climate. That’s because the amount — whatever the validity or otherwise of the “official” science — is as close to zero as makes no difference.

The elephant that is acknowledg­ed is how far carbon prices are below any level that would inflict enough pain to force the economy to reach the climatical­ly pointless national target.

Trudeau is now threatenin­g to impose some minimum national price on top of the existing dog’s breakfast of provincial approaches, which is causing much provincial kicking and screaming.

No provincial plans approach the level of economic pain required to meet the target, which was first committed to by the previous government of Stephen Harper but which the Liberals now claim is just a “floor.” Harper was said to have “ragged the puck” on climate policy to avoid economic harm. Will Justin — given his own sporting preference­s — perhaps engage in the policy equivalent of the “rope a dope?” Or is he truly committed to Canada punching itself in the face “above its weight”? The report assumes so.

It notes that the carbon price in 2020 in Ontario (based on those “contentiou­s” economic models) will be $17.83 a tonne and in Quebec it will be $18.08. The more predictabl­e figures for B.C. and Alberta are $21 and $ 23.40 respective­ly. But according to the latest calculatio­ns from Ottawa, all that will still leave the country more than 30 per cent short of its 2030 commitment.

To reach that commitment would require much higher taxes and levies, and much higher emission permit prices. It will require Ottawa to set a minimum carbon price, rapidly rising to $100 a tonne or more. Part of the provincial kicking and screaming relates to the obvious fact that all this will have an adverse economic impact.

Strange that the left hates austerity because it forces people to face reality, but it supports stringency, which forces people to pay a hefty price for what is increasing­ly looking like dark environmen­tal fantasy.

Still, the Ecofiscal Commission is ever on hand to help design pointless and destructiv­e policies in the most efficient way possible.


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