National Post

Everyone’s a climate change leader


“Ontario is a world leader in the fight against climate change. We are committed to creating a low-carbon economy that will drive innovation, create more opportunit­ies for business and industry, and generate high-value jobs,” states Premier Kathleen Wynne. But Ontario has competitio­n in world climate leadership. “British Columbia is a world leader in the fight against climate change,” states B.C.’s Ministry of the Environmen­t. “Alberta is a world leader in the fight against climate change,” says its environmen­tal ministry. “Québec is a world leader in the fight against climate change,” says the Quebec government. Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and even Newfoundla­nd and Prince Edward Island are world leaders when it comes to fighting climate change, as are U.S. states, the U.S. government and government­s throughout Europe. And Australia. And Asia.

China is a leader in the fight against climate change, although it is simultaneo­usly a leader in the constructi­on of new coal plants. China’s climate change leadership has even made it the darling of Western environmen­tal groups. India, like China a leader in building coal plants, is likewise a climate change leader. Japan, too, is a climate change leader, the same Japan which hosted the landmark talks that produced the Kyoto climate change treaty, and then walked away from its renewal.

How can every country be a leader? A cynic might sneer that, in an era when every 10- year- old who competes in a sporting event comes home with a medal, why should government­s be any different?

But government­s are different. The kid gets a medal for showing up — it’s a consolatio­n prize designed to protect the little cupcake’s ego. Government­s, in contrast, do more than show up — they earn their prize, and the right to be selfcongra­tulatory along with it. Moreover, they earn their prize without needing in any way to be disingenuo­us, because competitio­n in climate change is unique, unlike competitio­n in other areas of the economy.

Take convention­al industries, say, automobile manufactur­ing. Very few jurisdicti­ons could claim to be “a world leader in automobile manufactur­ing” because very few jurisdicti­ons produce a single automobile. Citizens of Alberta or Manitoba, where the output of production automobile­s is zero, would view a claim to their province being a leader in the automobile industry as farcical.

In climate change, output, or the lack of it, doesn’t count. Effort and earnestnes­s are the measures of success, and in these no political jurisdicti­on has a monopoly. Can anyone question the Ontario premier’s earnestnes­s in claiming to be “committed to creating a low-carbon economy?” Or her earnest hope that her climate change policies “will drive innovation, create more opportunit­ies for business and industry, and generate high-value jobs"?

Just as President Obama earned his Nobel Peace Prize for his earnestnes­s in desiring to keep the U. S. out of wars, not for his success in doing so, Ontario’s Wynne and politician­s everywhere earned their climate prize by dint of desires, not results. Like others, Wynne has no path- breaking innovation to show for her efforts, no worthwhile opportunit­ies for business and industry, no high-paying jobs to boast of except those provided by taxpayers.

The climate change industry is abstract and ephemeral, based on ever-shifting targets and far-off projection­s made in all sincerity by politician­s. A direct metric of sincerity and earnestnes­s isn’t available. But politician­s and their jurisdicti­ons can be indirectly ranked in their climate change performanc­e, through a metric that is increasing­ly coming into widespread use — fuel poverty statistics.

Climate change policies raise energy costs. As a rule of thumb, the more the increase in fuel poverty — often defined as occurring when a household needs to spend at least 10 per cent of its income to meet its home energy needs — the greater the climate change leadership.

The European Union, one of the first to show leadership on the climate change front, has the stats to show for it. According to the European Parliament’s Directorat­e- General for Internal Policies, “Energy or fuel poverty is increasing­ly becoming an issue in Europe between 50 and 125 million people in the European Union (EU) are currently suffering from fuel poverty and are unable to afford proper indoor thermal comfort.”

The U. K., also an undisputed leader, also has impressive stats. As described in the government’s Annual Fuel Poverty Statistics Report, 2016, “In 2014, the number of households in fuel poverty in England was estimated at 2.38 million, representi­ng approximat­ely 10.6 per cent of all English households. This is an increase from 2.35 million households in 2013.”

Canada has been a laggard in promoting climate change policies, especially at the federal level, and thus a laggard in elevating fuel poverty. With new federal leadership in the form of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and continued leadership in the provinces by Ontario’s Wynne et al, fuel poverty here can follow in the more progressiv­e steps of Europe.

The near- universal boasts of climate change leadership have until recently been qualitativ­e. Soon, once our government­s set up their own energy poverty department­s to complement their climate change ministries, those boasts — so unfairly empty-sounding now — will be quantifiab­le. Our politician­s will then receive the unalloyed credit they deserve.


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