National Post



- Mary Beard Excerpted from SPQR. © 2015 by Mary Beard. With permission of the publisher, Liveright Publishing Corporatio­n. All rights reserved.

On Nov. 17, the Cundill Prize in Historical Literature at McGill will be awarded to the author of a book “determined to have had (or likely to have) a profound literary, social and academic impact in the area of history.” This week, the National Post is publishing excerpts from all six 2016 Cundill Prize long listed books.

Ancient Rome is important. To ignore the Romans is not just to turn a blind eye to the distant past. Rome still helps to define the way we understand our world and think about ourselves, from high theory to low comedy. After 2,000 years, it continues to underpin Western culture and politics, what we write and how we see the world, and our place in it.

The assassinat­ion of Julius Caesar on what the Romans called the Ides of March in 44 BCE has provided the template, and the sometimes awkward justificat­ion, for the killing of tyrants ever since. The layout of the Roman imperial territory underlies the political geography of modern Europe and beyond. The main reason that London is the capital of the United Kingdom is that the Romans made it the capital of their province Britannia — a dangerous place lying, as they saw it, beyond the great ocean that encircled the civilized world. Rome has bequeathed to us ideas of liberty and citizenshi­p as much as of imperial exploitati­on, combined with a vocabulary of modern politics, from “senators” to “dictators.” It has loaned us its catchphras­es, from “fearing Greeks bearing gifts” to “bread and circuses” and “fiddling while Rome burns” — even “where there’s life there’s hope.” And it has prompted laughter, awe and horror in more or less equal measure. Gladiators are as big now as they ever were. Virgil’s great epic poem on the foundation of Rome, the Aeneid, almost certainly found more readers in the 20th century CE than it did in the first century CE.

Yet the history of ancient Rome has changed dramatical­ly over the past 50 years, and even more so over the almost 250 years since Edward Gibbon wrote The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, his idiosyncra­tic historical experiment that began the modern study of Roman history in the English- speaking world. That is partly because of the new ways of looking at the old evidence, and the different questions we choose to put to it. It is a dangerous myth that we are better historians than our predecesso­rs. We are not. But we come to Roman history with different priorities — from gender identity to food supply — that make the ancient past speak to us in a new idiom.

There has also been an extraordin­ary array of new discoverie­s — in the ground, underwater, even lost in libraries — presenting novelties from antiquity that tell us more about ancient Rome than any modern historian could ever have known before. We now have a manuscript of a touching essay by a Roman doctor whose prize possession­s had just gone up in flames, which resurfaced in a Greek monastery only in 2005. We have wrecks of Mediterran­ean cargo ships that never made it to Rome, with their foreign sculpture, furniture and glass destined for the houses of the rich, and the wine and olive oil that were the staples of everyone. As I write, archaeolog­ical scientists are carefully examining samples drilled from the ice cap of Greenland to find the traces, even there, of the pollution produced by Roman industry. Others are putting under the microscope the human excrement found in a cesspit in Herculaneu­m, in southern Italy, to itemize the diet of ordinary Romans as it went into — and out of — their digestive tracts. A lot of eggs and sea urchins are part of the answer.

Roman history is always being rewritten, and always has been; in some ways we know more about ancient Rome t han t he Romans themselves did. Roman history, in other words, is a work in progress. This book is my contributi­on to that bigger project; it offers my version of why it matters. SPQR takes its title from another famous Roman catchphras­e, Senatus PopulusQue Romanus, “The Senate and People of Rome.” It is driven by a personal curiosity about Roman history, by a conviction that a dialogue with ancient Rome is still well worth having and by the question of how a tiny and very unremarkab­le little village in central Italy became so dominant a power over so much territory in three continents.

This is a book about how Rome grew and sustained its position for so long, not about how it declined and fell, if indeed it ever did in the sense that Gibbon imagined. There are many ways that histories of Rome might construct a fitting conclusion; some have chosen the conversion of the emperor Constantin­e to Christiani­ty on his deathbed in 337 CE or the sack of the city in 410 CE by Alaric and his Visigoths. Mine ends with a culminatin­g moment in 212 CE, when the emperor Caracalla took the step of making every single free inhabitant of the Roman Empire a full Roman citizen, eroding the differ- ence between conqueror and conquered and completing a process of expanding the rights and privileges of Roman citizenshi­p that had started almost 1,000 years earlier.

In fact, SPQR confronts some of the myths and halftruths about Rome with which I, like many, grew up. The Romans did not start out with a grand plan of world conquest. Although eventually they did parade their empire in terms of some manifest destiny, the motivation­s that originally lay behind their military expansion through the Mediterran­ean world and beyond are still one of history’s great puzzles. In acquiring their empire, the Romans did not brutally trample over innocent peoples who were minding their own business in peaceable harmony until the l egions appeared on the horizon. Roman victory was undoubtedl­y vicious. Julius Caesar’s conquest of Gaul has not unfairly been compared to genocide and was criticized by Romans at the time in those terms. But Rome expanded into a world not of communitie­s living at peace with one another but of endemic violence, rival power bases backed up by military force (there was not really any alternativ­e backing) and mini-empires. Most of Rome’s enemies were as militarist­ic as the Romans; but, for reasons I shall try to explain, they did not win.

Rome was not simply the thuggish younger sibling of classical Greece, committed to engineerin­g, military efficiency and absolutism, whereas the Greeks preferred intellectu­al inquiry, theatre and democracy. It suited some Romans to pretend that was the case, and it has suited many modern historians to present the classical world in terms of a simple dichotomy between two very different cultures. That is, as we shall see, misleading, on both sides. The Greek city- states were as keen on winning battles as the Romans were, and most had little to do with the brief Athenian democratic experiment. Far from being unthinking advocates of imperial might, several Roman writers were the most powerful critics of imperialis­m there have ever been. “They create desolation and call it peace” is a slogan that has often summed up the consequenc­es of military conquest. It was written in the second century CE by the Roman historian Tacitus, referring to Roman power in Britain.

The history of Rome is a big challenge. There is no single story of Rome, especially when the Roman world had expanded far outside Italy. The history of Rome is not the same as the history of Roman Britain or of Roman Africa. And very different kinds of history have to be written for different periods. For the earliest history of Rome and when it was expanding in the fourth century BCE from small village to major player in the Italian peninsula, there are no accounts written by contempora­ry Romans at all. The story has to be a bold work of reconstruc­tion, which must squeeze i ndividual pieces of evidence — a single fragment of pottery, or a few letters inscribed on stone — as hard as it can. Only three centuries later the problem is quite the reverse: how to make sense of the masses of competing contempora­ry evidence that may threaten to swamp any clear narrative.

Roman history also demands a particular sort of imaginatio­n. In some ways, to explore ancient Rome from the 21st century is rather like walking on a tightrope, a very careful balancing act. If you look down on one side, everything seems reassuring­ly familiar: there are conversati­ons going on that we almost join, about the nature of freedom or problems of sex; there are buildings and monuments we recognize and family life lived out in ways we understand, with all their troublesom­e adolescent­s; and there are jokes that we “get.” On the other side, it seems completely alien territory. That means not just the slavery, the filth ( there was hardly any such thing as refuse collection in ancient Rome), the human slaughter in the arena and the death from illnesses whose cure we now take for granted; but also the newborn babies thrown away on rubbish heaps, the child brides and the flamboyant eunuch priests.

This is a world we will begin to explore through one particular moment of Roman history, which the Romans never ceased to puzzle over and which modern writers, from historians to dramatists, have never ceased to debate. It offers the best introducti­on to some of the key characters of ancient Rome, to the richness of Romans’ discussion of their own past and to the ways in which we continue to recapture and try to make sense of it — and to why the history of Rome, its Senate and its people still matter.

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