National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Knife thrust 5. Biblical name for ancient Syria 9. Busy with 13. Kind of wave 15. Star that flares and fades 16. Substantiv­e 17. Traditiona­l saying 18. Negative votes 19. Essential part 20. Cavity of the middle ear 22. Black- and- white animals 24. Object of adoration 25. French fashion designer 26. Place of worship 29. Mordecai ___ ( Canadian novelist) 32. Japanese noodle dish 33. ___ Off ( CBC journalist) 34. Close to the ground 36. Bird with long legs 37. Reach 38. Assumed attitude 39. Of considerab­le size 40. Invigorati­ng medicine 41. Drive back 42. Largest city in Canada 44. Land covered with trees 45. Awkward louts 46. British cooking appliances 47. Our country 50. Chargé d’affaires 54. Benefits from 55. Title given to God 57. Senseless 58. Tightly closed hand 59. Hautboy 60. Nickname for a grandmothe­r 61. Waller or Domino 62. Pinches 63. Evil glance


1. Immediatel­y 2. Neat and in order 3. First man 4. Instrument played in Scotland 5. Make void 6. Part of a house 7. Map abbreviati­on 8. Yellow lead monoxide 9. Straighten out 10. Spar wood 11. Young ___ 12. Single things 14. Hard to lift 21. ___- pros 23. Eye make- up in Eastern countries 25. English theoretica­l physicist 26. Baby’s bed 27. Addictive practice 28. Spanish friend 29. Relative magnitude 30. Run away to get married 31. Flowers with thorny stems 33. Canadian change 35. Whip lash 37. Banner hanging from a crossbar 38. Ad for friends or romance 40. Amphibian 41. Town in Manitoba 43. Cooks in an oven 44. Dandy 46. Is in front of 47. End of a sleeve 48. Largest continent 49. Place for a bird to lay eggs 50. Fall suddenly 51. Horse’s neck hair 52. Queen of England 53. Claw to pieces 56. Kimono sash

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