National Post


‘We show our faces,’ says German leader

- Anthony Faiola

• German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who last year opened the door to nearly one million mostly Muslim migrants, called Tuesday for a widespread ban on “full- veil” Islamic coverings.

Speaking to a cheering conference of her centrerigh­t Christian Democratic Union, Merkel — launching a bid for a fourth term in elections next year — used her strongest language yet to back a proposal by conservati­ve elements in her party.

The plan would make it a regulatory offence for women to cover their faces in courtrooms, administra­tive buildings and schools, as well as while driving or attending demonstrat­ions.

“We show our faces,” Merkel, 62, said in an 80-minute speech in the western city of Essen.

“Full- face covering is not appropriat­e with us — it should be banned.”

The call echoes proposals in France and other European nations to put restrictio­ns on full- face coverings such as the burka or other Islamic traditions for women such as the niqab, which shows only the eyes.

Merkel has previously decried full Muslim veils as a hindrance to migrant assimilati­on into Germany society. But her words at the party conference seemed aimed to appease her internal party critics who have charged her with recklessly opening the door to hundreds of thousands of asylum-seekers.

Merkel has taken steps to stem the tide, including negotiatin­g a deal with Turkey this year to block migrants from crossing into Europe.

On Tuesday, she reiterated that she would attempt to thwart any new wave of refugees — many seeking to reach the West from war- ravaged places such as Syria and Iraq.

“A situation like the one in the late summer of 2015 cannot, should not and must not be repeated,” she said.

Merkel’s speech put her in line with the full party leadership’s draft resolution for the convention, which says: “We reject full covering. We want to ban it using all legal possibilit­ies, just as we do for underage marriage.”

After more than a year in which the chancellor has faced criticism for her openborder­s position on refugees, Merkel told delegates she thought hard about whether to run again.

With no obvious successor, Merkel still has political capital. That didn’t prevent several from taking the floor to criticize her for driving voters to the anti- immigratio­n Alternativ­e for Germany.

“A big segment of core voters have been put off,” said party member Christine ArltPalmer. “This is terrain that we won’t win back.”

 ?? TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced much prior criticism for her open-borders policy.
TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / GETTY IMAGES German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced much prior criticism for her open-borders policy.

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