National Post

Trans activists and their influence,

- Susan Bradley Susan Bradley is a consultant child psychiatri­st, formerly chief of psychiatry at Hospital for Sick Children and head of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Toronto. She is an emeritus professor at U of T.

Has the transgende­r movement gone too far? It began, commendabl­y, as activism for the rights of that very small number of people who experience persisting discomfort with their biological gender. But it has evolved into an ideologica­l movement to normalize the practice of changing genders — and in the process is crossing ethical lines with a particular­ly vulnerable subset of young people struggling with issues of gender identity.

A recent article by Elise Ehrhard in Crisis Magazine, a Catholic periodical, addresses the aggressive approach by adult trans activists in recruiting adolescent­s with Asperger’s Syndrome or other types of Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD) to their cause.

Ehrhard has Asperger’s. As is typical among Asperger’s girls in their adolescenc­e, she preferred the company of boys, with whom she identified cerebrally, a tendency encouraged by the bullying she experience­d from other girls.

Ehrhard is not transgende­r — she doesn’t see herself as a male — but, citing a social media campaign featuring the hashtag #AutisticTr­ansPride, she can see why Asperger’s and other ASD adolescent­s nowadays come to believe they are. This disturbs her. Adolescent­s struggling to deal with their quirky cerebral wiring do not need to be told they are “a girl trapped in a boy’s body” or vice versa, she says. Neverthele­ss, Ehrhard notes, many parents are buying into this completely unscientif­ic hypothesis.

As a child psychiatri­st with experience in both ASD and gender discomfort, I share Ehrhard’s concern and can substantia­te her claim. In her account I see a familiar story of a youth with ASD who feels socially isolated, and confused about sexual feelings as she moves into adolescenc­e. As I well know, involvemen­t in internet chat sites offers adolescent­s with ASD a sense of belonging, but also can lead to foreclosur­e of reflective thinking about their own feelings and situation.

Over the last few years I have been asked to consult around three biological­ly female teens with no prior history of cross gender wishes. In adolescenc­e, these three individual­s became aware of homoerotic feelings, but were uncomforta­ble about them. After searching the internet to find others like themselves, they began to feel that the issue was not their sexual orientatio­n, but that they were in fact “trans.”

In interviewi­ng them, their history revealed prolonged and intense feelings of rejection and loneliness and a sense of “not fitting in” with their female peers. As with many girls and women with ASD, they pretended to conform socially, but failed to have close confiding relationsh­ips and had often felt bullied and rejected. Some were depressed by adolescenc­e and often had suicidal thoughts, if not overt behaviours. Further assessment in all three cases led to my diagnosing these high- functionin­g individual­s as having ASD.

Their parents felt confused at what appeared to them to be a sudden change in their daughters. Fearful of the risk for suicide, they struggled with their own responses. In two cases parents expressed anxiety over the speed with which the gender profession­als involved accepted their teenagers’ self- diagnosis, demonstrat­ed by recommenda­tions for puberty blocking agents after a single visit. Their experience­s align with accounts by parents of “trans” kids on the blog,, described as “a community of parents and friends skeptical of the ‘ transgende­r/child/teen’ trend.”

In my work with the Child and Adolescent Gender Identity Clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health ( CAMH), we regularly did a very thorough assessment with these teens to ensure that the path they seemed to be choosing had been thought through, sometimes a difficult task for ASD teens because of their difficulty with self-reflection and abstract thinking.

When a sex change seemed the only realistic option, we referred them to an endocrinol­ogist for assessment regarding puberty blockers; if prescribed, we continued monitoring their progress to ensure their ongoing safety. (Even so, we had qualms, given a lack of evidence of long-term impact.)

However, we also felt strongly that irreversib­le medical interventi­on such as hormones and surgery should be postponed until we could be certain that the individual­s were fully able to understand that there would be no going back. We were quite willing to accept that individual­s might change their mind or wish to slow the process down. In short, we did what is considered best practice in the field of ASD and gender discomfort.

Activists would have the public believe that anyone who expresses a wish to be the other gender should be allowed and encouraged to do so. Credulous politician­s have translated their demands into law. To date, however, there is no evidence that there is such a thing as a “true” trans, just as there is no marker that would identify a “false” trans. To accept the thinking and wishes of those with ASD at face value, without understand­ing why they feel the way they do, is not a kindness, and may in fact be extremely damaging.

 ?? YURI CORTEZ / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? LGBT activists would have the public believe that anyone who expresses a wish to be the other gender should be allowed and encouraged to do so, writes child psychiatri­st Susan Bradley.
YURI CORTEZ / AFP / GETTY IMAGES LGBT activists would have the public believe that anyone who expresses a wish to be the other gender should be allowed and encouraged to do so, writes child psychiatri­st Susan Bradley.

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