National Post

Ancient marine fossils returned to China

- Douglas Quan

Two marine fossils dating to the Triassic period more than 200 million years ago have been returned to China in a case that highlights the problem of rampant smuggling of cultural property out of the Asian country.

Canada’s heritage department announced Thursday it had repatriate­d the fossil of a 220-million-year-old Saurichthy­s, a predatory fish with a long snout, and a 250-million-year-old fossil of an Ichthyosau­r, a dolphin-like reptile that also featured a long snout and big eyes.

Details were s ketchy Thursday as to how these artifacts ended up in Canada. Canadian Heritage officials said the Saurichthy­s fossil was intercepte­d by the Canada Border Services Agency in Edmonton in November 2009. It arrived in Canada labelled as a “stone carving.” Experts at the Canadian Museum of Nature and the University of Alberta later determined it was from Guizhou province in southwest China.

The Ichthyosau­r fossil was intercepte­d by RCMP in Calgary in July 2013 and was examined by experts at the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

Ryosuke Motani, a professor in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department at University of California, Davis, said Thursday the Ichthyosau­r started off with a lizard-like body with flippers and evolved into a fish- like body. The one intercepte­d in Calgary appears to be a Mixosaurus, the intermedia­te stage when the Ichythosau­r was transition­ing from a land to a sea creature.

For three years, Motani led a team that uncovered about 50 specimens of Ichythosau­r in China’s Anhui province.

“The locality used to be an active limestone quarry until 2011, so it would not surprise me if, say, about the same number of specimens had somehow disappeare­d into private collection­s without being registered to the government database,” he said. “Then, some of these private specimens may have crossed the Pacific.”

Over the past decade, China has adopted laws that separate fossils from other archeologi­cal cultural relics and provide distinct protection­s for them, according to a 2015 article in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontolo­gy. Such fossils can only leave the country on short loans for research purposes and export applicatio­ns can only be made by Chinese museums or scientific institutio­ns.

“Export of material from China has extremely strict legal controls and requires a detailed applicatio­n to be submitted by a Chinese institutio­n to be agreed by three tiers of the government’s Land and Resources body, before the necessary registrati­on number is given,” the article states.

That has not, however, stopped the plundering and smuggling of fossils from the country.

In early 2016, Arizona media outlets reported that Jun Yang, a Richmond, B.C., man, was fined $25,000 and deported after he was caught trying to sell dinosaur fossils to undercover Homeland Security agents at a gem and mineral show in Tucson.

Yang pleaded guilty to smuggling a 100- millionyea­r- old psittacosa­urus fossil, which he was trying to sell for $15,000, and 16 hadrosaur egg fossils, which he was trying to sell for $450 each.

In 2015, Charles Magovern, of Colorado, was charged with smuggling dinosaur fossils dating back 151 million years to the U.S. He reportedly made false declaratio­ns to customs officials and was trying to sell the items, valued at more than $570,000.

“Canada recognizes that the illicit import and export of cultural property impoverish­es the heritage of a country, and we will continue our efforts to prevent this activity,” Heritage Minister Melanie Joly said.

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