National Post

Nominees display moderation

- Eli Lake Bloomberg News

As Congress begins the confirmati­on hearings for president- elect Donald Trump’s nominees, a paradox emerges.

Trump refuses to bow to official Washington, but his future cabinet echoes official Washington’s policy mantras.

Trump tweets that the intelligen­ce community is akin to the Gestapo. He tells a CNN reporter that his network is “fake news,” for reporting that. He claims that no one except the press cares about his tax returns.

He proposes a commission on childhood vaccinatio­ns after meeting with someone who believes the unproven theory that they cause autism.

So f ar, his nominees haven’t bought in.

Michael Flynn: Trump’s incoming national security adviser spoke at the U. S. Institute of Peace on Tuesday about the importance of alliances. He asked the audience of establishm­ent foreign policy experts to clap for his predecesso­r, Susan Rice, and he singled out Bill Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, for praise.

John Kelly: The retired Marine general who is Trump’s choice to be secretary of homeland security told senators he agreed with the conclusion­s of the FBI, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligen­ce that Russia tried to influence November’s election by hacking the emails of leading Democrats. Trump had not conceded this until Wednesday.

Kelly also said he disagreed with the idea of registerin­g anyone based on their religion or ethnicity.

Rex Tillerson: The former Exxon Mobil CEO expressed a preference for middle- ofthe- road policies. For example, he said that if other NATO members did not pay their dues, he wouldn’t recommend threatenin­g to withdraw U. S. commitment­s for mutual self-defence. Over the summer, Trump suggested such an approach.

On his overall approach to Russia, Tillerson was very much in line with establishm­ent thinking. He said he would not favour acknowledg­ing any Russian claim to Crimea, which Putin’s government annexed in 2014, unless it was acceptable to Ukraine. He also said he would recommend keeping existing sanctions on Russia in place until the new administra­tion formulated its policy and met with counterpar­ts in Moscow. Sen. Jeff Sessions: Trump’s pick for attorney general has generated the most controvers­y.

On Wednesday, Democrat Cory Booker became the first sitting senator to testify against a fellow senator at a confirmati­on hearing, claiming Sessions was hostile to civil rights. But even Sessions is striking moderate notes. He said on Tuesday that he would not authorize waterboard­ing or other kinds of torture of detainees because such techniques were illegal. Trump said during the campaign that he would bring back waterboard­ing and worse, but he softened that stance after the election following his conversati­ons with James Mattis, the retired Marine general nominated for secretary of defence.

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