National Post


- Financial Post

President- elect Donald Trump dominated the conversati­on as pundits and experts debated what the future holds at the National Post’s 40th annual Outlook Luncheon. Here are their prediction­s for the coming year, writes Claire Brownell.

TRUMP CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH Andrew Coyne, Postmedia columnist

Trump has promised sweeping changes to everything from trade deals to health care, but Coyne said it’s important to remember he’ ll be operating within constraint­s. Senators and congressme­n will be up for re- election in two years and the mood of the American public may be significan­tly different by then, Coyne said.

“There was no sweeping mandate of Trumpism, whatever Trumpism is,” Coyne said, referring to the fact Trump lost the popular vote by a bigger margin than any other president in U. S. history. “People may have been in the mood to throw a brick through a window this election. They may still be in that mood two years from now, but with a different target.”

In addition, Trump will have to work with Republican­s in Congress, many of whom disagree with him on important issues. “The stuff that’s going to get through Congress will be of a somewhat more cautious or conservati­ve frame of mind,” Coyne predicted.

Like Congress, the Amer- ican public is often described as polarized, with mistrust of the media helping Trump to victory. Coyne said his biggest hope for the coming year is that people treat people with different opinions with respect.

“There is a generalize­d contempt for facts, for expertise, for elites, for people who know stuff,” Coyne said. “Being skeptical is a different thing from saying, ‘Anyone who knows anything, I’m going to reject.’”

OVERDONE OPTIMISM Amanda Lang, Bloomberg TV Canada anchor

Lang said she was concerned by the market’s euphoric reaction to Trump’s victory. Trump won’t be able to influence the economy as much as people think, she said. “People are very bullish on the U. S. market, more bullish than I think they ought to be,” Lang said. “I think it’s overdone.”

Lang was similarly pessimisti­c about the political prospects of her former CBC co- host Kevin O’Leary, who is often compared to Donald Trump. O’Leary has been making campaignli­ke statements and musing about entering the race for the leadership of the federal Conservati­ves. “I don’t think he’ll put his hat in the ring in the end,” Lang said. “I think the impediment­s, especially the French language, are just too big.”

AMERICA IN CHARGE Diane Francis, Financial Post columnist

Francis said she doesn’t think Trump’s promise to “rip up NAFTA” will be as disastrous for Canada as some have predicted. The Trump administra­tion is likely to do some things that will be beneficial for Canada, such as approving Keystone XL but won’t forget we owe them a favour, she said.

“We’re going to get along nicely,” Francis said. “But they’re going to be the boss.”

Francis said her biggest concern about Trump is his temperamen­t. “At 3 a. m. in his penthouse apartment, he may tweet something that destroys a sector,” she said. “He has a mean streak and he’s a bully.”

IN CANADA, DEFICITS Jean- François Perrault, chief economist, Scotiabank

Perrault turned his attention domestical­ly, predicting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government will run deficits for the duration of its mandate. “This is a government that’s still in the process of identifyin­g what it wants to do economical­ly,” Perrault said. “Unfortunat­ely that probably means a bigger government than we’re used to and that means bigger deficits.”

Meanwhile, the risk of a trade war with the U. S. is growing, Perrault said. He pointed out Trump is constraine­d by the WTO when it comes to tariffs, but said he can do a lot of damage to Canada’s economy.

“What he may or may not do can have a very significan­t impact, even indirectly,” Perrault said.

NDP DONE IN ALBERTA Claudia Cattaneo, Western Business Columnist, Financial Post

Cattaneo made a forecast even further into the future than the coming year, predicting the NDP will not be re-elected in Alberta.

“There is incredible frustratio­n in Alberta with the NDP,” Cattaneo said. “It’s seen as an illegitima­te government that’s out of touch with reality.”

Cattaneo also predicted Jason Kenney will win the leadership of Alberta’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party by channellin­g Albertans’ frustratio­ns with the current government. She also forecast a modest recovery in oil prices, but no return to triple digits.

“Nobody thinks it’s going to back to $100 or more, certainly not in the short term,” she said.

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