National Post

‘Their goal is to kill us’

Nationalis­m runs deep red in Kansas town

- David Lawler

• Some 1 , 500 people are spread across nearly 2,500 square kilometres in Wallace County, and just 45 voted for Hillary Clinton, making it the reddest county in one of America’s reddest states.

In Sharon Springs, with 761 residents, locals talk about immigrants and liberals in much the same way: “No, not here, but I hear there are some a couple towns over.”

As indignatio­n swelled in coastal cities over Donald Trump’s decision to suspend America’s refugee program and ban citizens of seven Muslim- majority countries, the view was different in Sharon Springs.

“The good Christian part of me says we should welcome everybody,” says Bruce Bolen, 61. “The realistic part says the ban is a good thing. We need to take care of our own.”

Carol Martin says she would support Trump even if he closed the border to all foreigners.

“They’re coming in, populating and getting bigger and bigger in the areas that they’re in, and their goal is to kill us,” she says from behind the cash register of her daughter’s liquor store.

Martin, 69, is in the minority. Most in Sharon Springs say they would welcome immigrants and refugees with open arms — if they were sure they could trust them.

“There are people who would do anything to destroy our way of life,” says Ronald Beck, 57. “We’re not a perfect country but we’re the best. We’ve got to protect it.”

Most of Lance Bolyard’s gun shop customers are interested in hunting and sport shooting. But he hears another motivation from time to time.

“Particular­ly with t he older age groups it’s, ‘ I’m not going to be bullied and if they want to come on my property I’ ll make sure they don’t leave.’”

Ed Selzer, 73, supports the ban. “We’ve got a force here that’s trying to come over and destroy things, and it’s starting to look like that’s the Muslims,” he says, seemingly saddened to hear the words as he says them.

His wife Judi says: “We kind of like to live out here and have everyone leave us alone.”

The couple then add: “Be careful”.

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