National Post



Here is a chronology of the Royal Canadian Navy’s supply ship scandal which resulted in the suspension of a senior admiral

1969: Supply ship HMCS Protecteur commission­ed.

1970: Supply ship HMCS Preserver commission­ed.

Oct. 25, 2013: The Harper government announces plans for two new supply ships, to be named HMCS Queenston and HMCS Chateaugua­y.

Feb. 27, 2014: Supply vessel HMCS Protecteur suffers a serious engine room fire off of Hawaii and has to be towed home to Canada.

Sept. 21, 2014: After serious corrosion is discovered, the supply ship HMCS Preserver is slated for retirement. She remains as a floating oil barge until October, 2016, when she is formally paid off.

May 14, 2015: HMCS Protecteur is decommissi­oned. Two new supply ships are on order, but they won’t be ready until 2020 and 2021 respective­ly.

July 31, 2015: The Harper government signs a letter of intent to enter into a $700- million contract with Quebec shipyard Chantier Davie to convert a civilian ship for use as an interim supply vessel.

Oct. 7, 2015: Commercial vessel Asterix arrives at Chantier Davie in Levis, Que., and refurbishm­ent begins.

Nov. 19, 2015: A federal cabinet committee puts the conversion project on hold. Nov. 20, 2015: James Cudmore, then a CBC journalist, reports the new Liberal government has pressed pause on the project. The Privy Council Office launches an internal investigat­ion into the leak.

Nov. 30, 2015: The Liberal government approves the conversion plan, avoiding an $ 89- million cancellati­on penalty.

2016: The RCMP, which inherited the investigat­ion from PCO, interviews politician­s, bureaucrat­s and lobbyists and executes search warrants at Chantier Davie and two lobbying firms.

Jan. 4, 2017: The Mounties request a search warrant to search Vice-Adm. Mark Norman’s Ottawa home, though this is not publicly known at the time. Jan. 16, 2017: Norman, the military’s second- in- command, is suspended without explanatio­n.

February, 2017: Norman’s lawyer says her client “unequivoca­lly denies any wrongdoing.”

April 6, 2017: Court documents reveal the RCMP requested the warrant to search Norman’s residence.

April 26, 2017: A newly released version of the RCMP request for a warrant shows the Mounties allege Norman used his position to provide cabinet confidence­s to Spencer Fraser, the Davie executive leading the ship conversion project. In turn, the RCMP claims, the informatio­n was passed on to lobbyists and the media with the aim of ensuring final federal project approval.

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