National Post


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. S-shaped moulding 5. Praise highly 9. Cooking container 12. Sources of milk 13. Chaplain to the armed forces 14. Molten rock 15. Actor Baldwin 16. Travelling salesperso­n 17. Smell ___ 18. ___ Valley, Alberta 20. Noisemaker 22. Tiresome routines 23. Three-cornered cape 24. Part of a computer 27. Ingredient in some cocktails 29. Praise highly 30. Picture puzzle 31. Promise to pay a debt 33. Solemn ceremony 34. Flies high 35. Spreadshee­t box 36. Keyboard key 37. Open space in a forest 38. Arthur ___ Doyle 39. Clothes 41. Vedic hymn 42. Numbers 43. Phloem 44. Eggnog ingredient 46. Quick-tempered person 49. Racer Luyendyk 50. Unaccompan­ied 52. Not moving quickly 54. Egyptian cotton 55. Twin brother of Romulus 56. Canadian ___ (store) 57. Wapiti 58. Roman numerals for 500 59. Let it stand DOWN 1. Wood sorrel 2. Olympic medal 3. Wide-mouthed jug 4. Endive 5. Former Nigerian capital 6. City in Yemen 7. “Ode on a Grecian ___” 8. Rock fragments 9. Of childbirth 10. Racetrack 11. London art gallery 13. “Peanuts” character 14. Woodworkin­g tool 19. Home of a Mongolian nomad 21. New Testament book 23. Thread that can be spun into yarn 24. Nothing more than 25. Live 26. “___ Men” (Cage film) 27. Abacus parts 28. Pertaining to the sun 30. Thoroughfa­res 32. Forearm bone 34. Tenth highest peak in Canada 35. Argues against 37. Basic unit of heredity 38. Coins and bills 40. LeBlanc of New Brunswick 41. Counterpar­ts 43. Extra money 44. Reputation 45. River flowing to the Caspian Sea 46. Keyboard key 47. Got off a horse 48. Lake in Saskatchew­an 51. Former premier of Prince Edward Island 53. Rainy

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