National Post

Expand the opportunit­ies for your income solutions



Trad it ion al strategies for income investing face big challenges in today’ s lowyield environmen­t. Riska verse investors have relied on core bond funds, comprised of investment grade government and corporate bonds, to be single solutions for delivering income, capital preservati­on and equity portfolio diversific­ation. However, t he upside/ downside profile of these investment­s has become skewed to t he downside as t heir yields may not be sufficient to offset the price declines associated with rising interest rates. For income investors conditione­d to think of their bond portfolios as safe havens, this could be an unwelcome surprise.

One of the best strategies to navigate this environmen­t is to expand the scope of income- oriented asset classes to include high yield bonds, floating rate loans, emerging market debt, preferred shares and equities.

“What income retirees really need is cash flow, which can be generated not only from interest coupons but from dividends and capital gains as well. By drawing f rom a broad spectrum of income- producing assets, diversifie­d portfolios can be constructe­d with the desired risk characteri­stics,” says Steve Locke, Portfolio Manager and Head of the Fixed Income Team at Mackenzie Investment­s. “In fact, incorporat­ing s ome non- investment grade bonds and even equities generally increases the expected return of the overall portfolio with a volatility of returns that is similar to, or even perhaps below, that of a Canadian core bond fund.”


Since asset classes that offer additional i ncome often come with additional risk, Mr. Locke says risk management should be an integral aspect of t he i nvestment process. “Rigorous f undamental research underpins security selection in our suite of Strategic Income funds. Avoiding undesirabl­e risks is the first pillar in a strategy of downside risk mitigation,” he says.

Mackenzie just launched its US Strategic Income Fund to complement its Strategic Income Fund and Global Strateg i c Income Fund, balanced funds that invest in divi- dend- paying equities and a range of fixed income assets. These income solutions are designed to generate income and manage volatility through the market cycle.

Mackenzie also manages risk through portfolio monitoring, tactical positionin­g for prevailing market conditions and, at times, using hedging strategies for downside protection.

“We maintain a focus on risk- adjusted returns in all of our funds, but Mackenzie has also developed several innovative products with investors’ desire for downside protection in mind,” says Michael Sch nit man, Senior Vice President, Product, at Mackenzie. “For example, Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios are globally diversifie­d, multi-asset portfolios designed to provide a consistent income stream, some long- term growth and inflation protection. They also employ a proprietar­y hedging strategy to limit downside and protect capital.”

Mr. Schnitman also says t he Mackenzie Unconstrai­ned Fixed Income Fund and Mackenzie Unconstrai­ned Bond ETF ( ticker: MUB) are f lexible and highly tactical fixed- income funds that invest in global sovereign and credit markets. “Both funds use an options strategy to protect the portion of the portfolio invested in high yield from a sharp drawdown stemming from stress in credit markets,” he adds.

To i ncome i nvestors feeling daunted by t he low- yield environmen­t, Mr. Locke says a financial advisor can help def ine your income objectives and risk tolerance. “There are a number of great solutions that balance the need for income with robust risk management so investors can achieve their goals.” Commission­s, trailing commission­s, management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performanc­e may not be repeated.

 ??  ?? Steve Locke, Portfolio Manager, Head of the Fixed Income Team
Steve Locke, Portfolio Manager, Head of the Fixed Income Team

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