National Post

A paradox for central banks

COMMENT No hint of target rate on horizon

- Joe Chidley

The U. S. Federal Reserve is following the hawkish path it set out on last December. Bank of Canada officials are hinting the time has come to put stimulus behind them. In Europe, central bank head Mario Draghi surprised markets with talk of reflation and the potential withdrawal of unconventi­onal monetary policies. After nearly a decade of singing “moneymoney- money” in hopes of getting sluggish economies dancing again, central bankers are changing their tune.

That’s an important shift. But there’s a dissonant note here, too: inflation. It’s nowhere to be found, at least in relation to the long-held central bank target of two per cent.

Earlier this month, the Fed announced its second rate hike of 2017 even as it acknowledg­ed that inflation would likely remain below target this year — but it also expressed confidence inflation would stabilize toward two per cent next year. The Bank of Canada, in its most recent Monetary Policy Report, held a similar view: inflation below two per cent (1.7, to be precise) through the first half of 2017, but returning “sustainabl­y” to the two-per-cent target in the first half of 2018.

But recent data make it hard to see target inflation on the horizon. In May, Canada’s consumer price index fell by 0.2 per cent, and year- overyear it rose by only 1.3 per cent. In the U.S., May CPI fell by 0.1 per cent, contradict­ing economists’ expectatio­ns of a 0.2- per- cent gain; yearover- year, it rose by 1.7 per cent, the lowest increase in two years.

Meanwhile, bond investors — to whom inflation matters quite a bit — don’t seem to be buying into higher prices over the long term.

One widely used U. S. measure of i nflation expectatio­ns is the so- called 1 0- year breakeven rate, which gauges the spread between 10- year nominal and i nflation- adjusted Treasuries; it represents where markets expect i nflation to be over the next decade. Last summer, the breakeven began to rise off post- crisis lows, and Donald Trump’s promises of fiscal stimulus boosted it even further: by January of this year, it had risen to 2.07 per cent — 67 basis points higher than in June 2016. But the wind has since come out of that balloon: the 10- year breakeven now sits at around 1.7 per cent.

That suggests markets expect inflation to pretty much stay where it is — lowered expectatio­ns that can be put down to the decline of the Trump trade. His administra­tion’s performanc­e on implementi­ng, or even defining, its stimulus program has serially disappoint­ed.

We seem to be back where we were — a world of lowered expectatio­ns for growth, for rates and for inflation. So why do central banks seem so hawkish?

Economic theory — and e ven c ommon s e nse — would hold that rising employment creates wage pressure: labour costs go up, higher- paid people spend more, and hello inflation. But since a tighter labour force precedes wage pressure, there’s a lag between “full employment” and inflation. Just wait, though, and inflation will come around.

At least that’s the hope. It hasn’t really happened postrecess­ion, however. And a couple big structural factors might be working against it: namely, old people and robots. No offence to either.

On demographi­cs, it comes down to baby boomers. In the ’ 60s and ’ 70s, as the biggest generation in history entered the workforce, “the aggregate labour supply, GDP growth and interest rates all increased,” notes a 2016 Federal Reserve working paper titled “Understand­ing the new normal.” As more women went to work, the economy and inflation got an added boost. But post- 1980, as boomers worked, they also bought and accumulate­d assets, feeding bubbles that, while popping occasional­ly, still expanded. Since 2000, total U. S. household financial assets have more than doubled, even as median household incomes have remained relatively stagnant. A generation of savers is not exactly the ticket to price inflation.

That might change as more boomers retire. If they sell assets and increase spending, while reducing the overall labour supply, then inflation could return. But it might not work out that way. Longer life expectanci­es may induce people to save more pre- retirement and spend less post- retirement. Or elderly boomers might follow the same pattern as the generation­s that preceded them: spendi ng l ess simply because they don’t enjoy spending as much as they used to. Certainly, Japan hasn’t got much of an i nflationar­y boost from its more elderly population.

Another wrinkle is automation. It makes s t uff cheaper to produce, and that keeps prices down. Increasing­ly, it’s likely to keep wages down, too. Some forecaster­s think half of all jobs — including white- collar ones — will be replaceabl­e by automated solutions within the next decade. Retiring boom- ers might mean more jobs to fill, but what kind of jobs? Will they be the ones politician­s like to call “high-quality”? Or will they be simply the hard- to- automate ones, like service positions that, well, tend to earn less than your average financial services profession­al (who’s just been replaced by a robot, by the way)? Wage inflation? Forget about it.

Of course, events have a way of defying forecasts, and that’s as true for markets as it is for monetary policymake­rs. It could be the latter are playing inflation by the book in part out of concern over other things — like, in Canada’s case, the inflated housing market. Or it could be that they’re right: inflation will come around, so they have to act.

Or maybe they’re just getting ahead of themselves. “Why are we trying to cool down the economy when … there is still room to run on the inflation front?” asked Neel Kashkari, president of the Minneapoli­s Fed — and the only voting FOMC member to vote against the latest U. S. rate hike — at an event in Michigan this week. “What’s the rush?”

As the outlook for inflation remains unclear, it’s a question worth asking.

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