National Post

Scouts apologize for Trump speech

- David Crary

• The Boy Scouts’ c hief e xecutive apologized Thursday to members of the scouting community offended by the aggressive political rhetoric in President Donald Trump’s recent speech to the Scouts’ national jamboree.

The apology came in a statement f rom Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh, three days after Trump’s speech to nearly 40,000 scouts and adults gathered in West Virginia.

Other U. S. presidents delivered non-political speeches at past jamborees. To the dismay of many parents and former scouts, Trump promoted his political agenda and derided his rivals, inducing some of the scouts in attendance to boo at the mention of Barack Obama.

“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree,” Surbaugh said. “That was never our intent … We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.”

Surbaugh noted t hat every sitting president since 1937 has been invited to visit the jamboree.

“It is in no way an endorsemen­t of any person, party or policies,” he said. “For years, people have called upon us to take a position on political issues, and we have steadfastl­y remained non- partisan and refused to comment on political matters.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about the Boy Scouts’ statement and whether Trump owes them an apology. Sanders said she was at the event and didn’t see anything inappropri­ate.

“I saw nothing but roughly 40- 45,000 boy scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks,” she said. “And I think they were pretty excited that he was there and happy to hear him speak to them.”

Asked about the parents who have publicly criticized the speech, Sanders said she had nothing to add.

Surbaugh, in his statement, said the Trump controvers­y has not diminished the success of the 10- day jamboree, yet he acknowledg­ed its impact.

“Scouts have continued to trade patches, climb rock walls, and share stories about the day’s adventures,” he said. “But for our Scouting family at home not able to see these real moments of Scouting, we know the past few days have been overshadow­ed by the remarks offered by the President of the United States.”

His statement echoed some of the sentiments expressed by the Boy Scouts’ president, Randall Stephenson, Wednesday.

The Boy Scouts issued guidelines to adult staff members for how the audience should react to the speech. Any type of political chanting was specifical­ly discourage­d.

Stephenson, who was not in attendance at Trump’s speech, said the guidance wasn’t followed impeccably.

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