National Post

Incompeten­ce at controls in jet fiasco


Even by t he abysmally low standard of Canadian military- procuremen­t programs, the ongoing effort to replace Canada’s fleet of aging CF-18 fighter- bombers is still a thing to behold. The latest revelation, that Canada is considerin­g buying used F-18 jets from Australia to supplement our frontline squadrons, is yet another demonstrat­ion of how unserious Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is about providing our men and women in uniform the equipment they need to do their job.

The CF- 1 8s need replacing; no one disputes that. The aircraft have been modernized repeatedly and remain capable of combat operations, but the airframes are nearing 40 years old, and the basic F-18 design is older still. There is a limit to how much a 40- year- old- plus jet can be upgraded. The aircraft are nearing the point where metal fatigue will preclude the kind of high-stress manoeuvres that battle requires them to make. The previous Conservati­ve government had announced plans to purchase 65 advanced F- 35 stealth fighters to replace them. The F- 35 program has been a debacle, and 65 jets was too small a fleet for a country with Canada’s needs. But it was, at least, a plan — a plan the Liberals not only opposed, but campaigned against. They pledged in the last federal election to cancel the purchase and said they would never buy a single F-35.

The problem with that pledge is the Liberals also promised a full and open competitio­n to select Canada’s next fighter. Shortly after winning that election, the Liberals seemed to have suddenly realized that a competitio­n can be neither full nor open once you’ve pre- emptively ruled out a major and serious contender. Further compoundin­g the Liberals’ difficulty is the fact that the F- 35 — despite its execrable developmen­t process and the prime minister’s breezy dismissal that this particular advanced fighter “does not work” — has finally begun to enter service with t he United States and some of Canada’s closest other allies. More integratio­n work is needed, but the plane is formidable, and is not appreciabl­y more expensive ( over the full life cycle of any jet fleet) than other options.

This is not an endorsemen­t of the F- 35. But the facts are clear: the plane at least warrants close and fair considerat­ion. The Liberals, though, seem dead set against that, and are going to increasing­ly bizarre lengths to avoid making the only logical decision: an open competitio­n that includes the F -35. First, they proposed an interim purchase of a small fleet of F-18 Super Hornets, a more modern and advanced jet than the similarly named CF-18 Hornets we already operate. The case for this interim fleet has never been satisfacto­rily made; if Canada is short jets, as the government maintains ( and we have no trouble believing), then the proper course of action is to proceed with the full and final fleet replacemen­t without delay. An interim purchase, at great expense, will only suck up precious dollars and postpone the urgently needed final replacemen­t.

Incompeten­ce is securely at the controls. The government’s indecision and Canada’s broken military procuremen­t system have delayed the execution of this terrible plan. And now there’s another wrinkle: the Super Hornets are built by Boeing, and Boeing is involved in a trade dispute with Ottawa’s favourite subsidized aerospace pet, Bombardier. The Liberals are applying pressure on Boeing by dangling the prospect of abandoning the interim jet order in favour of used Australian jets. ( The Australian­s, we note, don’t need their F- 1 8s anymore because they’re switching to F- 35s, that fighter plane the prime minister insists doesn’t work and won’t consider for Canada.)

There’s nothing new about utter ineptitude in matters of Canadian military procuremen­t. The Conservati­ves were also terrible, and both parties have long traditions of living down to Canada’ s traditiona­lly low standards. But the wheeling and dealing on display here is still a marvel. The primary duty of any government is to secure the safety and security of the country, including by properly equipping an appropriat­ely sized military. There’s also the moral duty of any Canadian government to take proper care of those citizens who wear our uniform and serve as this country’s first line of defence. Somewhere in there, government­s also owe taxpayers a duty to not wantonly burn piles of public money for political reasons while attempting a militarypr­o curement process.

The Liberals are clearly signalling via their actions, however, that honouring nonsensica­l campaign promises, avoiding embarrassi­ng flip- flops, and pressuring a U.S. aircraft manufactur­er that’s in a dispute with a Canadian industry darling, all come first. Politics, pandering, and pork for a Quebec conglomera­te are more important to this government than fielding a proper air force. Don’t take our word for it. Just watch the Liberals in action.

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