National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Large seagoing vessel 5. Monetary unit of Georgia 9. Chop with an ax 12. Out of one’s mind 13. Marine protozoan, informally 14. In ___ (completely) 15. Hebrew month 16. Board with a planchette 17. Horse’s hind leg joint 18. Word blindness 20. Stylized arrows on public signs 22. Russian-born fashion designer and illustrato­r 23. Be dressed in 24. Palm of the hand 27. Battles against 30. Come first in 31. Pulled by a rope 33. No longer sick 35. Half open 37. Grasping tool 39. Farm tower 40. Gratifies completely 42. Appearance­s 44. Writing implement 45. With one on either side 47. Firstborn 49. Wet weather 50. Carry the weight of 51. Present but inactive 54. Spanish soup 58. Sarah McLachlan song 59. Animal with hoofs 61. Juicy fruit 62. Totally absorbed 63. Prepares for publicatio­n 64. Work units 65. Student grade for inexperien­ced competitor­s in judo 66. Network of nerves 67. Only fair


1. Coasting vehicle 2. Revered in a religion 3. Some hospital rooms, for short 4. Fine powdery yellow substance 5. One of Donald Duck’s nephews 6. Opera song 7. Period of British rule in India until 1947 8. Mirror reflection­s 9. Rim of the basket in basketball 10. Burn into 11. Chinese cooking pans 13. Code word for F 14. Staff tipped with a pine cone, in Greek mythology 19. Part of QED 21. Secular 23. Golf club 24. Poetic contractio­n 25. Head covering worn by some Muslim women 26. Related on mother’s side 27. Kidney enzyme 28. Cow’s stomach lining 29. Tennis player born in Yugoslavia 32. Washroom door sign 34. Common parental exclamatio­n 36. Quiet place for rest 38. Cold symptoms 41. White bird with webbed-feet 43. Hit with the open hand 46. One or the other of two 48. Long heavy curtains 50. Sew with loose temporary stitches 51. Brown songbird 52. “An apple ___ keeps the doctor away” 53. ___ Sultan (person in Indian history) 54. Abrasive particles of sand 55. Fish of the mackerel family 56. Crones 57. Roughly 60. Lyric poem

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