National Post

Time for Ottawa, farmers to grow better bonds.

We have to end the us vs. them dynamic

- Toban Dyck

Farmers and Ottawa need to have a better relationsh­ip. The country deserves it.

Among the agricultur­al community, at least the individual­s I’ve had the pleasure of interactin­g with in Western Canada, the difference between an initiative, campaign or policy that is driven by farmers and one that is not is great.

It’s the first question a farmer will ask: do you have any ag experience? Farming is a difficult, complex enterprise that requires expertise in accounting, politics, people management, monitoring and reacting to the markets and much, much more. They have these skills because they have to have these skills. Farmers want those with the power to affect their operations to understand what it is they do.

Growers are used to lawmakers without agricultur­e experience or knowledge deciding the fate of Canadian farms. And this same group knows how ineffectiv­e and out of touch the resulting policies can be.

On Manitoban soil, good, trusting relationsh­ips breed effective and fair laws, and if I were a betting man, I’d say this applies across the country and abroad.

Imagine if Ottawa would promote sound science surroundin­g GMOs with the same fervour the EU opposes it? Imagine if Ottawa knew how a farm operated before it released a crippling slate of proposed incometax reforms? Imagine if it all looked a little different, where the moves that are made amount to more than mere theatrics and posturing?

Farmers would be less defensive. They/ we wouldn’t feel such a strong compunctio­n to oppose what comes out of our city centres.

The arena is us vs. them, and the non- farming, nonagricul­ture public is the audience, believing that the feuds taking place in front of them are nothing more than the whining of a group that loves to complain about laws that limit their profits.

In one sense, I can’t argue. Which group wouldn’t want to get rid of impediment­s to the free market? But it’s more than that. Farmers lobby for better agronomy, better research programs, and they desperatel­y want the trust of the public.

If Ottawa had an intimate understand­ing of the kinds of pressures a farm faces and the kinds of considerat­ions it makes on a regular basis, the carbon tax laws threatenin­g to be implemente­d would hopefully look different than they do now.

Instead, farmer groups the country over are gathering in the small corners of their communitie­s drumming up responses to these laws that, when enacted, would raise a farm’s input costs and potentiall­y further erode already tight profit margins.

Farmers are price takers and are unable to pass higher, say, fertilizer prices onto their buyers.

Some of the positions being formed on issues such as carbon tax are extreme, aimed at getting the attention of the political masters, who seems ready to react inkind.

At times, it seems this is the tableau of agricultur­e’s status with government. But it needn’t be this way.

However it may look, it’s worth hoping and fighting for a better relationsh­ip — one that transcends the leanings of the part that’s in power. It starts with education.

I’m a broken record on this point, but I’ve been an engaged human long enough to know that success on this file will only come with honesty, clarity and repetition.

Us farmers may seem wild and unwieldy at times, but trust me, we’re not. Do that and I’ ll trust that the other side is interested in more than just theatrics.

 ?? AMBER BRACKEN / EDMONTON SUN ?? Growers are used to lawmakers without agricultur­e experience or knowledge deciding the fate of Canadian farms, writes Toban Dyck. And this same group knows how ineffectiv­e and out of touch the resulting policies can be.
AMBER BRACKEN / EDMONTON SUN Growers are used to lawmakers without agricultur­e experience or knowledge deciding the fate of Canadian farms, writes Toban Dyck. And this same group knows how ineffectiv­e and out of touch the resulting policies can be.

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