National Post

The PM’s gaffes


Re: L’affair Atwal. Andrew Coyne, Feb. 24 There is a long-standing tradition in the Navy that holds you are responsibl­e for all that happens on your watch. Obviously, as Andrew Coyne points out, our Prime Minister is above all of that and a lesser known Liberal MP takes the rap for “L’affaire Atwal” lest the “Teflon Man” be held, in anyway, accountabl­e.

I found it remarkable that while I was in the United States recently, even the U. S. media took tongue- in- cheek note of “Mr. Dress- up” in India. A commentato­r in Australia stated recently that Mr. Trudeau had to be likened to a Kardashian — “all style, no substance with all the depth of a puddle.”

Canadians have to put an end to these costly and highly embarrassi­ng charades by our current PM and his hangers-on. Canadians deserve far better and 2019 can’t come soon enough.

James P. Crowley, North Saanich, B. C.

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney, referring to Justin Trudeau, once said: “Don’t underestim­ate him.”

Vacationin­g with the Aga Khan — one of the world’s richest men — while preaching on behalf of the middle class, attacking small business and accusing medical profession­als of being tax cheats while he and his Finance Minis t er e xempt themselves from their goal of taxing the rich, inviting convicted terrorists to Canadian Embassy dinners at taxpayers expense, neologisms such as Peoplekind to replace the English word Mankind which has no gender preference are all examples of Mr. Mulroney’s prophetic words.

Indeed, I suspect that even Mr. Mulroney has underestim­ated what our current Prime Minister is capable of.

Robert Yufe, Toronto

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