National Post

Non-risky business


Is there any business activity in Canada that doesn’t get a handout from government? Doesn’t seem like it. No project or activity is too big or too small that it cannot be rolled onto the backs of taxpayers. Okay, there is one exception: Pipelines. We don’t even allow new pipelines. So aside from pipelines, name one other Canadian industry that has never been or is not now seeking some form of assistance from government.

This being federal budget day 2018, Canada’s entreprene­urs and innovators, instead of entreprene­uring and innovating, will be gathering around their computer screens to see whether Finance Minister Bill Morneau will again add some new essential fiscal tools to the existing kits that will free them from the burden of dealing with market forces and provide them with the essential catalytic assistance without which they will not be able to entreprene­ur and innovate.

The traditiona­l definition of entreprene­ur (from the Concise Encycloped­ia of Economics) captures the spirit of the concept: “Someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” That’s the ideal. In Canada, entreprene­urs apparently need government to help them organize and relieve the risk that they are, by definition, supposed to be carrying.

Government budgets, federal and provincial, have become strategic incentive machines Canada’s entreprene­urial classes need to get them into the mood for entreprene­urship and innovation: more subsidies, bigger grants, investment injections, training incentives, partnershi­ps, R& D support, financing services, regional developmen­t aid, cheap loans, repayable grants, technology backing, innovation deals, cluster funding, gender-innovation frameworks, small-business loan programs, medium- sized loan programs, big- business loan programs.

It was Morneau’s last budget that introduced the $950-million plan to “accelerate innovation through super-clusters.” Last week, just in time for this year’s budget, Innovation and Economic Interventi­on Minister Navdeep Bains unveiled the details of the superclust­er strategy by rolling out a fresh load of jargon to explain it all. He said the government had “challenged” Canadian business and research institutio­ns “to collaborat­e with other innovation actors … to propose bold and ambitious strategies that would transform regional innovation ecosystems and develop job- creating superclust­ers of innovation.” Guess what? Canada’s entreprene­urial innovators met the challenge by coming up with ways to accept the government aid!

Five Canadian superclust­ers have been identified as recipients of the $ 950- million subsidies: digital in British Columbia ( corporate players include Telus, Shoppers Drug Mart and Microsoft); agricultur­e on the Prairies (Maple Leaf Foods and DowDuPont); manufactur­ing in Ontario ( Linamar, Myant and Woodbridge Group); AI- supply chains in Quebec (Air Canada, Agropur, NEXT Canada, CN and Aldo); and oceans (Emera, Scotia Seafood and CFFI Ventures).

The corporate names make it clear that businesses willing to accept handouts from taxpayers span the economy. There is no level of innovative entreprene­urialism or entreprene­urial innovation that does not receive federal support. Big, rich, establishe­d giants right down to the youngest of Canada’s incubators and startups are the targets of government giveaways in the name of fostering entreprene­urialism and innovation. Even declining sectors (newspapers come to mind) want help.

For smaller businesses, there are scores of programs, including the Small Business Research, Financing and Services program to enhance the growth and competitiv­eness of small business and encourage entreprene­urial activity ($ 100- million over three years). Ottawa has a handy website to help innovative entreprene­urs do their jobs. “Find money for your business,” it says. A number of private consultant­s also specialize in hooking entreprene­urs up with government bureaucrat­s. Last year, Morneau announced a $ 400- million cash infusion into the Business Developmen­t Bank of Canada to fund a new Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative to increase late- stage venture capital available to Canadian entreprene­urs with young, establishe­d businesses.

When Ottawa and the provinces aren’t supporting startups they are at the barricades with declining industries, mature operating businesses and uneconomic ventures. It goes without saying that government­s are plowing billions into clean energy, solar and wind power, electric cars and other ventures that the entreprene­urial classes are apparently unable — or, perhaps wisely, unwilling — to fund on their own.

No entreprene­urial sector seems to need more government incentives than the digital space, where the objective is to make Canada an advanced, digital environmen­t filled with artificial­ly intelligen­t, blockchain- empowered green fintechs. Funding here includes $ 125 million to launch a “Pan- Canadian Artificial Intelligen­ce Strategy.”

Last month, Ottawa listed some of the companies set to benefit from a new $ 1.3- billion Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) announced by Morneau in his last budget. The objective of SIF is to attract and support high-quality business investment­s in Canada’s most dynamic and innovative sectors: Automotive, aerospace, clean- tech, informatio­n/communicat­ions technology, and agri- food. The funds will support innovative business activities such as R&D projects, firm expansion, attraction of large-scale investment­s to Canada and collaborat­ive technology-demonstrat­ion projects.

And there may be more to come. The Globe and Mail reports that Ottawa is set to propose a new automobile regime under NAFTA that includes incentives for auto companies to build new factories or expand existing ones in North America, use more North American steel and aluminum, and spend more on research and developmen­t.

Meanwhile, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne insists her province needs at least $2.5 billion to support the auto and agri- food sectors in that are becoming non- competitiv­e on world markets.

They say Morneau’s 2018 budget on Tuesday will disappoint Canada’s entreprene­urs since there are expected to be few new initiative­s promoting innovation and risk-taking. What on earth will our innovating, risk-taking entreprene­urs do if the government doesn’t help?

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