National Post

Glavin on PM’s trip,

- Terry Glavin

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau departed from India last Saturday, it was hardly possible to imagine that Canada’s standing in New Delhi could plummet any deeper into the abyss of humiliatio­n than eight days of non- stop travelling gaucherie, diplomatic outrage and burlesque fiasco had already sunk it. But as t hings have t urned out, the lurid spectacle has not yet come to anything like a merciful conclusion.

This is not going away any time soon.

It was bad enough that some “senior security official” in Trudeau’s government thought it would be clever to concoct and circulate a conspiracy theory to explain away the worst and most scandalous indiscreti­ons committed by Trudeau and his entourage. The story he put about was that it wasn’t Team Trudeau’s fault at all, but rather a covert Indian intelligen­ce operation of a possibly rogue nature that had somehow resulted in the procuremen­t of invitation­s for the humvee-driving convicted would-be assassin, Liberal party vote- farmer and former Khalistani terrorgrou­p hobbyist Jaspal Atwal to two of Trudeau’s public receptions in India.

Things got immeasurab­ly worse when the author of this fanciful melodrama turned out to be no less a figure than Prime Minister Trudeau’s own handpicked senior adviser on intelligen­ce and national security, Daniel Jean. Even worse, and even after Surrey Liberal MP Randeep Sarai confessed that it was he whose profoundly poor judgment had opened the doors for Atwal, not Indian spies, and even after Trudeau had discipline­d Sarai for it by securing his resignatio­n as the Liberals’ Pacific caucus chair — well, it is almost impossible to believe what happened next.

On Tuesday, Trudeau got up in the House of Commons and responded to an Opposition question in such a way as to leave the unavoidabl­e impression that he himself subscribed to the conspiracy theory that Daniel Jean had been circulatin­g — the one involving elaboratel­y covert black- ops shenanigan­s orchestrat­ed somewhere down in the dark deep-state catacombs of India’s intelligen­ce agencies. The one that fell apart even before Sarai’s admission, when it was determined that Jaspal Atwal was not suddenly lifted from India’s blacklist and quietly provided with travel documents last summer, as Jean had claimed, but had in fact travelled to India several times since serving a jail term for his part in the attempted assassinat­ion of Punjab cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu on Vancouver Island in 1986.

Here’s Trudeau on Tuesday, in response to a what- thehell-just-happened question from Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer: “Our profession­al, non- partisan public service does high quality work, and when one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians, it’s because they know it to be true.”

As if things weren’t weird enough all by themselves here, Trudeau’s statement directly and explicitly contradict­ed what his own spokespers­on, Cameron Ahmad, said, over the weekend — that the Prime Minister’s Office was definitely not traffickin­g in any of the Indian spy fantasies making the rounds.

Now, try to imagine just how Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi must have reacted, after having given Trudeau a big bygones- bebygones hug last Friday, upon being apprised on Wednesday morning of headlines across Canada such as these. “Trudeau stands by official who suggested Indian factions sabotaged trip.” “PM doesn’t refute ‘ conspiracy theory’ that Indian government factions sabotaged his trip.”

Trudeau’s bizarre statement provoked an immediatel­y t erse rebuke f rom India’s External Affairs Ministry, first thing Wednesday morning, in t he form of a statement by Min- istry spokespers­on Raveesh Kumar: “We have seen the recent exchange in the Parliament of Canada regarding two invitation­s issued to Jaspal Atwal by the Canadian High Commission­er, for functions hosted in honour of the Canadian Prime Minister in India. Let me categorica­lly state that the Government of India, including the security agencies, had nothing to do with the presence of Jaspal Atwal at the event hosted by the Canadian High Commission­er in Mumbai or the invitation issued to him for the Canadian High Commission­er’s reception in New Delhi. Any suggestion to the contrary is baseless and unacceptab­le.”

A brief digression: to appreciate just how disastrous all this has been, you’ll want to keep in mind that the only significan­t purpose of Trudeau’s trip to India in the first place was to cement a healthy working relationsh­ip between the law enforcemen­t and intelligen­ce agencies of the two countries. The hope was that Team Trudeau would convince Modi and Amarinder Singh’s state government in Punjab that Canada is a country run by adults who take the threat of Khalistani terrorism seriously.

Anyway, here’s an awkward question about all this. When he i ntroduced his hilariousl­y reckless and immediatel­y debunked roguespy theorem to reporters in Ottawa last week, was the soon-to-retire Daniel Jean, a career bureaucrat who came to his national security and intelligen­ce post two years ago without any specific national security or intelligen­ce entries in his curriculum vitae, simply following the colourful propaganda lead of the Shiromani Akali Dal, the Sikh religious-political party based in Punjab? Or is SAD, as the notoriousl­y excitable party is known, following Jean’s lead?

Whatever the case, by Monday of this week senior SAD official Manjit Singh, who presides over New Delhi’s Gurudwara Management Committee, was publicly accusing Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP) of conspiring with the opposition Congress Party to embarrass Trudeau during his travels in Mumbai, Agra, Delhi and Amritsar. As if Trudeau, who came off like some sort of human wardrobe malfunctio­n for almost his entire sojourn on the subcontine­nt, wasn’t doing a sufficient job embarrassi­ng the hell out of himself.

“Canadian PM was cold shouldered even as Canada has done nothing against India,” Manjit Singh complained. Paradoxica­lly, SAD is part of the BJP’s ruling coalition. SAD has a habit of seeing conspiraci­es and shadowy hands behind things, but no conspiracy can account for an own-goal escapade so amazingly eventful in eruptions of gross incompeten­ce, lousy manners, dumbass judgment and horrific optics that quite a few otherwise spectacula­rly boneheaded moves went almost entirely unnoticed.

It barely registered anywhere when Trudeau noted in a speech in New Delhi that Canada had just celebrated its 100th birthday — off by 50 years. With all the attention paid to a former Khalistani terrorist getting an invitation to that Canadian High Commission gala last Thursday, it was barely mentioned anywhere that a senior executive of India’s venerable Outlook Magazine was brusquely disinvited from the event, while among Trudeau’s official media retinue was an IndoCanadi­an journalist who had greeted Modi during his 2015 visit to Canada with placards that read “Modi is a Terrorist” and “India out of Khalistan.”

Khalistan is the name of the theocratic ethnostate a small minority of Sikh separatist­s want to carve out of India’s Punjab state. Also mercifully overlooked last week: a map of India displayed at last Thursday night’s High Commission party in New Delhi omitted the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir — the shellshock­ed, heavily militarize­d Muslim-majority Indian state that Pakistan claims as its own territory. Imagine the Indian High Commission in Ottawa throwing a party and showing off a huge map of Canada with Quebec missing, and you get the picture.

This whole thing has been an awful, trudging parade of error, idiocy and disgrace. And there is no end of it in sight.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is greeted by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday.
SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is greeted by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday.
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