National Post

PC leadership hopefuls drop the gloves

- David Reevely in Ottawa Ottawa Citizen dreevely@ postmedia. com

With time running short and the polls tight, the four candidates to lead the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ves breathed fire at one another in their final debate Wednesday night, lighting up a ballroom at Ottawa’s Shaw Centre.

Whatever Christine Elliott, Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney might have preferred, the ghost of Patrick Brown hung over them all, if only because Tanya Granic Allen kept summoning him up.

“You’re all fine with Patrick Brown running for you. I’m not,” Granic Allen said.

As a parents’ rights advocate fighting the province’s blunt sex education curriculum for years, she turned on Brown as soon as he decided as Tory leader that he’d let the curriculum stay, and she hasn’t stopped. The sexual allegation­s that drove him from the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leadership and the machinatio­ns that placed his favoured candidates in PC nomination­s all around Ontario should be enough to rule out any chance of a rehabilita­tion, Granic Allen said.

“The three of you have sat idly by while this party has been run into the ground by Patrick Brown and his corrupt practices,” she told the other candidates, just a few minutes in.

She said she’d overturn the party nomination­s in Carleton and Glengarry- PrescottRu­ssell, among others.

This is a party that’s still working through some stuff.

Ford complained about skuldugger­y that led to a nomination in Scarboroug­h being overturned. He was there and saw it himself.

“The lights went out,” he said.

“They went out for five minutes and when they came back on, people were running around with ballots in their hands!”

Why didn’t you say something about it at the time? Mulroney asked.

Mulroney parachuted into a nomination in super- safe York- Simcoe with the way cleared for her by Patrick Brown, Ford fired back.

“I find it pretty rich for you to say this. A person that got parachuted into your area, no competitio­n,” he said. “Maybe we should reopen your nomination and get some competitor­s in there.” Yikes. Things were not more civil when the would- be opposition leaders turned to the Liberals, whose policies on hydro, especially, all four of them excoriated.

“I’ ll take those wind turbines, I’m gonna rip ‘ em right out of the ground,” Granic Allen said.

Granic Allen doesn’t seem to understand that tearing up contracts, no matter how illconceiv­ed they were, will be damaging, Elliott said.

“We can’t do that,” she said. “How are we ever going to get people to do business in Ontario if we don’t respect contracts?”

They went after each other on everything: Mulroney’s inexperien­ce, Ford’s messy stint as a Toronto city councillor under his brother Rob’s mayoralty, Elliott’s decision to quit politics two years ago and take an appointmen­t as Ontario’s health- care ombudsman under a Liberal minister, and Granic Allen’s insistence on turning even the issue of sexual misconduct to criticisms of Patrick Brown’s handling of his aborted leadership.

Ugly as it was, it illuminate­d a lot more than the foursome’s first debate because the format for the Ottawa debate was less centred on questions from moderator Althia Raj and let the candidates debate one another directly.

We still got depressing­ly little of substance on the big issues facing Ontario.

All four candidates want to be friendlier to business than the Liberals have been. All of them want cheaper electricit­y. All of them want to eliminate waste. None of them wants to price carbon emissions to deal with climate change.

But all the candidates except Granic Allen agreed that human industry is a major source of greenhouse- gas emissions and we should do something about them (Granic Allen hedged — evidence is still coming in). Incentives to develop green technologi­es seemed to be the consensus solution.

All of the candidates said they’d avoid cutting health care. All of them want to make nice with doctors.

“You’ve got to listen to the front-line people. That’s how you find savings,” Ford said.

“It’s very simple. Making sure that you listen to the front-line workers, we’ll find efficienci­es and we’ll deliver better services.”

We need to transition from provider- centred- ness to patient- centred- ness, Elliott said, so the primary relationsh­ip in our health system isn’t between doctors and the government billing system.

“I think it would be impossible to pick one thing we need to do,” Mulroney said, though she eventually settled on improving out-of-hospital health care as a top priority.

Granic Allen proposed that we could solve a lot of our problems by respecting doctors’ and other health workers’ conscience­s so they don’t have to participat­e in, for instance, medically- assisted suicides. Well, maybe. Ford is a gifted sloganeer. He’s got a joke about capping taxes and trading Kathleen Wynne that he really likes. It’s funny, but it doesn’t mean anything.

Granic Allen is passionate and forceful, probably the most comfortabl­e debater. But the idea of tearing up contracts is, as Elliott says, dangerous even if it’s legal. She threw in a driveby on drug companies, too, which are also gouging us on pharmaceut­icals. There’s a difference between being a conservati­ve and seeking to use the government for rightwing purposes.

Mulroney is smart but she’s new at this, ready for first questions but not for followups. She’s well coached by talented advisers, but not so well coached that the coaching doesn’t show.

Elliott walked away from politics rather than sticking around after she lost to Brown in 2015. She’s tacked hard to the right as a leadership candidate, seeking to blow up her party’s financial plan by opposing a carbon tax with nothing to replace the money it would bring in. There’s a lot to be disappoint­ed with.

But her nine years as an MPP, including as the Tories’ deputy leader, help her, along with her two years as health ombudsman.

Of the group, only Elliott really acknowledg­ed that governing is hard, and that was a relief to hear amid so much magical thinking.

 ?? ERROL McGIHON / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Ontario PC leadership hopefuls, from left, Tanya Granic Allen, Caroline Mulroney, Christine Elliott and Doug Ford Wednesday in Ottawa.
ERROL McGIHON / POSTMEDIA NEWS Ontario PC leadership hopefuls, from left, Tanya Granic Allen, Caroline Mulroney, Christine Elliott and Doug Ford Wednesday in Ottawa.

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