National Post

Not the kind of game Jets want to be in

Roller-coaster goal fests fraying team’s nerves

- Paul Friesen pfriesen@ postmedia. com

It was a thrill- fest that kept coaches on edge, fans on their feet and most everybody drooling at the prospect of a playoff series between the teams.

But the truth is the Winnipeg Jets would rather take a pass on the kind of game they played against the Nashville Predators on Tuesday night.

Strange as it may seem, this highly talented, speedy bunch would rather be on a slow-moving escalator — going up, of course — than on a roller coaster.

“It was an up- and- down game — not ideal for us,” Mathieu Perreault said Wednesday. “A 6- 5 game is not the kind of game we want to be playing too much. Blowing the lead, too — we’ve been great this year with the lead. There’s some good, some bad. We just learn from it.

“We can’t be playing runand-gun games like this against offensive teams like that.”

Goal fests are a bit like cotton candy: there’s an instant sugar rush, but you just know it’s bad for you.

These teams seem to bring out the adolescent in each other. In three meetings this season, they’ve averaged nearly 10 goals, combined.

Yet, Perreault says the Jets expected a tight er game.

“Two really good goalies that probably didn’t have their best made for a game like this,” he said.

Yes, Connor Hellebuyck and Pekka Rinne had off nights.

Hellebuyck took Wednesday’s practice off, going out early to work with goalie coach Wade Flaherty, alone.

Tuesday marked the sixth time he’s given up five or more goals this season. It also marked the first time the Jets have lost a game outright when leading after two periods (29-1-1).

Twice they squandered two-goal leads.

And now Nashville has a distinct leg up in the race f or the Central Division title, leading by four points with a game in hand. They meet twice more. If the Jets have their way, those games will be far less entertaini­ng. First up is Detroit, here, Friday.


Don’t look now, but the Jets are as close to being caught for third place in the Central ( Minnesota, four points back) as they are to grabbing first.

Finishing third would mean losing home- ice advantage in the first round of the playoffs.

“Yeah, they’re coming,” Perreault said of the Wild. “We haven’t played them in a little while. It’s nice to be at home, especially with this crowd, when playoffs come around. I remember from last time it was electric in the building.

“We’ve got to try to get home ice and then go from there.”


Tuesday’s game seemed to have an extra dose of intensity.

“We marked it as probably the most important game up to this point in the season,” Preds defenceman Roman Josi said, postgame.

Given the Jets have so many players with little or no playoff experience, you wonder if games like that during the stretch drive could maybe replicate playoff pressure and provide some valuable lessons in the Winnipeg room.

“We talk about it every day, trying to build towards getting ready for that playoff style,” Josh Morrissey said. “Playing in those big games can teach you a lot going down the stretch.”

Morris sey, of course, has never been in a playoff game.

Perreault, who has, says not even the stretch drive can provide a reasonable facsimile to the post- season.

“Once playoffs starts it’s a completely different game,” Perreault said. “Every personal stat goes right out the window, and it’s all about winning the game. I guess we’ll learn as we go.

“We’ ll see what we’ re made of once playoffs comes around.”


Perreault says you can actually see the playoff experience Nashville got last year — reaching the Cup final — in their game.

“Definitely. They’re a really hard team to play against. They’re in your face, they’re making plays. You can feel that. You can feel the confidence on their side. At the same time, we can play with them.

“We could have easily won that game.

“It’s not a team we should be scared of at all.”

Head coach Paul Maurice, who wasn’t available Wednesday, addressed the issue of the “playoff grind” style of hockey, specifical­ly winning puck battles, in his postgame comments.

Maurice appeared ready to say the Preds were ahead of the Jets on that front, but stopped himself.

“I wouldn’t say they’re f ur t her on i t ,” he s aid. “They’ve got some experience with it. It’s also what we’re really, really good at when we’re on our game.”


Maybe this was a lesson, maybe it wasn’t.

Should Mark Scheifele, the Jets top centre, be dropping his gloves to go after anybody, like he did Nashville’ s P. K. Sub ban on Tuesday?

That’s out of character and something you’d think he’d want to keep a lid on, come playoff time.

Scheifele downplayed his run- ins with Subban with a simple “that’s hockey.”

“Our emotions get the best of us,” Scheifele said. “We got pretty heated, but all in all it’ s fun playing against a team like that.”

And what were he and Subban jawing about so intensely in the penalty box?

“Just a whole lot of nothing ,” Sc he if el es aid .“He likes to talk.”

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