National Post

Chef butchers, eats deer leg in front of activists

Protesters were outside his Toronto eatery


A Toronto chef, apparently exasperate­d at an animal rights protest outside his restaurant, carried what appeared to be venison to the front windows facing the sidewalk. Then he took a knife and began separating the meat from the bone as the protesters watched.

As he did, one of the protesters videoed the scene and gave frantic commentary: “To taunt the activists,” said the man behind the camera in a video posted online and picked up by BlogTO, “he has brought the leg of a recently murdered deer to this dining area.”

Michael Hunter, the chef and owner of Antler Kitchen and Bar, didn’t look at the protesters, didn’t say anything. Some police officers on hand for the protest en- tered the restaurant to speak with him — though Toronto police deny they asked him to stop what he was doing. “It’s his restaurant he can do what he wants, really,” Sgt. Philip Townley said.

Hunter finished cutting, put the meat in a pan and headed back to the kitchen. In half an hour or so, he returned with an impressive­ly seared steak — perhaps of the same venison he had butchered — on a white plate, unaccompan­ied. It was the middle of Friday night dinner service, just after 8 p. m., and here was the chef, at the front of the restaurant, sitting alone and eating.

“It shocked me,” said protest organizer Marni Ugar. “It made me feel really sad.”

“For me it’s just an animal and it’s an animal that didn’t want to die.”

Ugar didn’t know what to make of it. She couldn’t tell whether her string of regular protests had finally taken its toll on the chef. It was about the fifth time protesters had gathered outside Antler on Dundas Street West, chanting slogans like “Antler has blood on their hands” and holding signs that say Murder. ( The initial intent was to stage weekly protests starting in December, after a sandwich board reading Venison is the New Kale drew the ire of activists, though cold weather dashed those plans.)

“We were obviously getting to him,” Ugar said, “because we’re impacting his business by standing on the sidewalk. I assume — I actually can’t know — this was his way of getting revenge on us.”

Hunter wouldn’t say why he did it. He declined an interview, but gave an emailed statement saying the protests were a regular occurrence in his industry and didn’t surprise him. “We are operating business as usual,” he said. “Our identity as a restaurant is well known throughout the city as is our ethical farming and foraging initiative­s.”

That is the most perplexing part of the whole situation: Antler seems an unlikely target for the animal rights set. The restaurant’s entire concept is about local game and humanely raised livestock. Hunter himself is a forager and a hunter who has publicly criticized factory farming.

“He’s a good guy,” Peter Sanagan, owner of the prominent Toronto butcher shop Sanagan’s, said over the phone on his way back from a turkey farm. “It’s a weird one for me, I absolutely think it’s people’s right to protest. I also think it could be misguided going after the smaller businesses. There’s terrible, terrible sh- t going on in large, factory farm-type operations and the type of grocery store chains that sell that kind of product.”

But the fact that Antler is a small establishm­ent touting ethical meat is a big reason why the protesters selected it. First, the bigger chains like McDonald’s don’t listen. “I won’t get through to them,” Ugar said. Second, they believe the concept of humane meat is a myth and see Antler as an opportunit­y to debunk it. They’re particular­ly perturbed about Antler’s use of fois gras, the pro- duction of which can involve force feeding geese.

Hunter’s addition of vegan dishes to his menu has done little to assuage the activists. Another protest is scheduled for Saturday. They want Hunter to join them at a vigil at a slaughterh­ouse, held for the animals on their way inside. And ultimately, they want the restaurant, all restaurant­s, to go totally vegan. Antler sent the protesters an emailed invitation after the venison incident, suggesting they go foraging with Hunter. Ugar said it’s an offer she doesn’t think she’ll accept. But, she said, the first step to ending the protest is to start talking.

 ?? MARNI JILL UGAR ?? Chef and owner Michael Hunter apparently brought the leg of a deer to the window of his Toronto restaurant last week and butchered it as animal rights protesters outside watched, clutching their signs that read “Murder.”
MARNI JILL UGAR Chef and owner Michael Hunter apparently brought the leg of a deer to the window of his Toronto restaurant last week and butchered it as animal rights protesters outside watched, clutching their signs that read “Murder.”

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