National Post

A call to put an end to chemical weapons

- SuSan Jeune le d’allegeerSh­ecque Special to the National Post Susan le Jeune d’Allegeersh­ecque is the British High Commission­er to Canada.

Politician­s shake hands and smile. Cameras click. Papers are signed and stamped. The world’s press reports the signing of another internatio­nal agreement. Internatio­nal summits, convention­s and treaties may seem far removed from the lives of everyday people; photo opportunit­ies rather than milestones.

But these are how we agree on the type of world we want to live in. They are the promises we keep to each other. Our commitment­s and their implementa­tion underpin the internatio­nal system and keep us safe. When agreements are broken, or allowed to fall into irrelevanc­e, the consequenc­es become very real for everyone.

The Chemical Weapons Convention is one of these, but there are worrying signs we have forgotten why we worked so hard to achieve this vital agreement.

Chemical weapons asphyxiate, choke, blister and poison. Where not lethal, their effects can last a lifetime. During the 20th century they were used on and off the battlefiel­d with horrific consequenc­e. During the First World War, more than 90,000 soldiers suffered painful deaths following the use of chlorine, mustard and other chemical agents. Almost a million more were blinded, disfigured or received debilitati­ng injuries.

Chemical weapons were also used with devastatin­g consequenc­es in Morocco, Yemen, China and Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). The aftermath of their deployment in the 1980s Iran-Iraq War continues to be felt today, with 30,000 Iranians still suffering and dying from the effects of the agents used in the conflict.

The Chemical Weapons Convention came into force in 1997, and brought the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) into existence. For the first time, the world had an independen­t, non-political body to investigat­e chemical weapons use; 192 countries, including Canada, have now ratified the Convention and are States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention. The internatio­nal community has agreed that the developmen­t, production, stockpilin­g and deployment of these instrument­s of death should be confined to the past. There can be no impunity for anyone who uses chemical weapons.

Just over 20 years on from this watershed moment, and five years after the OPCW was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its extraordin­ary achievemen­ts, this agreement and these norms are under threat. Since the start of 2017 alone, chemical weapons have been used against civilians in Syria, Iraq, Malaysia and the United Kingdom. The repeated use of chemical weapons represents a grave threat to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the rules-based internatio­nal order that keeps us all safe. It must now be protected and strengthen­ed.

Answering the call of the U.K., Canada, and nine other states, last week the OPCW announced that the signatorie­s of the Chemical Weapons Convention will come together in late June. We are calling on states around the world to join together to find ways to strengthen and protect this cornerston­e of the internatio­nal non-proliferat­ion and disarmamen­t regime.

We are grateful for Canada’s continued leadership and support on this important internatio­nal issue. Beyond being a State Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention since its entry into force in 1997, Canada is among the largest voluntary contributo­rs to the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons and recently firmly restated its support for the OPCW’s tireless work to rid the world of chemical weapons. And as a founder of the Internatio­nal Partnershi­p against Impunity for the Use of Chemical Weapons, Canada has condemned repeatedly the use of chemical weapons around the world.

Some have tried to cast this meeting as an arena for some kind of global confrontat­ion where states will be forced to take sides, or a position on this or that attack. Rather, this is a choice between the rule of law and an internatio­nal-rules based system versus anarchy and the sickening prospect that we and our children might see chemical weapons become normalized.

Twenty years ago, the creation of the Chemical Weapons Convention marked a turning point in global politics. The world drew a line in the sand, and agreed that any use of chemical weapons is unjustifie­d and abhorrent. We must now act to defend it.


 ?? JOHN THYS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? A man tries on an air-permeable charcoal-impregnate­d suit during a chemical-weapons simulation.
JOHN THYS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES A man tries on an air-permeable charcoal-impregnate­d suit during a chemical-weapons simulation.

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