National Post

‘Heartbreak­ing’ defeat in Turkey.


- Asli AydintAsbA­s Asli Aydintasba­s is a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and a columnist for Turkish daily Cumhuriyet.

The result of Sunday’s presidenti­al elections in Turkey is forcing us to come to terms with a new reality: that liberal dreams of establishi­ng a Muslim democracy can easily be crushed by the creeping power of illiberali­sm. We now live in what President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s supporters call “the New Turkey.” Despite the economic downturn and frustratio­n with Erdogan’s draconian policies that suffocate a large section of the society, including secularist­s and Kurds, the Turkish president was re-elected with 52 per cent of the vote.

That is a heartbreak­ing defeat for those of us who had hoped that the vote on Sunday would send a strong message to Erdogan to return to the path of democracy. Yes, there was an uneven playing field in the run-up to the elections — some of Turkey’s Kurdish politician­s are jailed, and yes, Erdogan controls the entire media circus in the country. But still, as the opposition candidate Muharrem Ince conceded in a WhatsApp message to a journalist: “The man has won.”

Erdogan will now lead the country under a new presidenti­al system with sweeping powers and few checks, hoping to transform Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s secular republic into Erdoganist­an.

But no matter how you look at it, the country is split in half. Erdogan is certainly the most popular politician, but roughly half the country is still in the non-Erdogan camp. That includes a wide cross section of Turkish society, including Kurds, secularist­s and some of the best and brightest — urban profession­als, academics, lawyers. During the campaign, Erdogan had accused the pro-Kurdish party of being “terrorists” and the main opposition secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP) of “walking arm in arm with terrorists.” All those “terrorists” will now be in the Turkish parliament on the opposition bench.

The second headache for Turkey’s strongman will be the nationalis­m he has unleashed. This election, his Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) did not perform as well as it had in the past, falling from 49 per cent in the November 2015 general elections to 42 per cent. That makes Erdogan beholden to his coalition partner, the ultra-nationalis­t Nationalis­t Action Party (MHP). Since a failed coup attempt in 2016, Erdogan has been relying on the MHP and its leader, Devlet Bahceli, to pass laws in the parliament. Now that his party has lost the majority, he will have no choice but to continue his reliance on ultra-nationalis­ts. That means having no room to manoeuvre on the Kurdish issue, no easing up on freedoms and continuing the hardline security policies. That’s no way to stabilize Turkey.

On top of that, there will be the declining economy to deal with. More than 20 million Turks receive a government stipend of one sort or another — from free coal for the winter to unemployme­nt benefits and poverty aid. That makes Turkey a large welfare state. But a welfare state with declining resources. Since the turn to authoritar­ianism, Turkey is not attracting investment­s. Erdogan’s zeal for a high-growth economy based on big infrastruc­ture projects and constructi­on is inevitably going to lead to a fiscal crisis. Rule of law is essential for businesses and for the confidence in the Turkish lira. Unless Turks put their house in order, distributi­ng that social welfare will be harder this time next year.

No one was expecting a huge reform drive after an Erdogan win, but the AKP’s current symbiosis with Turkish nationalis­ts makes even the slightest “normalizat­ion” unlikely for the moment. During the election campaign, the Turkish president responded to the opposition’s demands to lift the state of emergency — imposed after the failed coup of 2016 but used against a wide range of government’s critics — by saying that it would be lifted after the elections. Now he has to deliver. One of the best things he could do for Turkey would be to lift the draconian measures that come with the emergency rule, which include restrictio­ns on freedom of assembly and the press.

On election night, I went to a polling centre in the secular Istanbul neighbourh­ood where I live. One of the things the destructio­n of rule of law has generated in Turkey is a deep distrust in institutio­ns and authority. That drove tens of thousands of Turks to volunteer as election observers across the country. Students and activists from Istanbul went as observers to the rural Kurdish regions where locals felt vulnerable to government pressure. In our centre in Etiler, the observers and ballot officials were all women, watching the count like hawks, marking each vote on the little printed sheets they had and uploading the results to special apps in their phones.

I was among those who thought that the elections could head to a runoff and mark a decline in Erdogan’s power, based on the energy and co-ordination in the opposition camp. I still believe that energy is there. With the full might of the Turkish state apparatus and full control of the media, Erdogan secured a victory from just a little over half the population. A few points up or down doesn’t change the big picture. There are many defenders of the status quo who prefer a Sunni-Turkish majoritari­an rule and see Erdogan as the ultimate reflection of their historic dreams. But on the other side there is a diverse and messy group that includes Turks, Kurds, secularist­s, Alawites, the middle class, the business elite and the left, all wanting a return to a liberal democracy.

The struggle for a better country will go on. We will mourn, cry and start picking up the pieces from where we left off.


 ?? KAYHAN OZER / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his wife Emine greet supporters at the headquarte­rs of the AK Party in Ankara on Sunday after Erdogan won five more years in office with sweeping new powers.
KAYHAN OZER / AFP / GETTY IMAGES Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his wife Emine greet supporters at the headquarte­rs of the AK Party in Ankara on Sunday after Erdogan won five more years in office with sweeping new powers.

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