National Post

Translator­s push back on forced testimony

- Mike Blanchfiel­d

OTTAWA • Canadian translator­s and their internatio­nal counterpar­ts say their work should be treated as strictly confidenti­al and they shouldn’t be compelled to testify about the private conversati­ons they hear.

The declaratio­n comes as U.S. Republican­s on the House intelligen­ce committee blocked a Democrat request Thursday for Donald Trump’s translator to testify about his lengthy conversati­on with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

Other than a U.S. State Department translator, no American government officials accompanie­d Trump and Putin behind closed doors.

The absence of officials — including senior members of Trump’s cabinet or other State Department diplomats — is raising questions about what Trump actually said to Putin during their two-hour, closed-door conversati­on.

Since that meeting, Trump has vacillated on whether he believes Russia interfered in the 2016 presidenti­al election — a conclusion that U.S. intelligen­ce agencies say is not in doubt.

Trump has faced fierce criticism for not challengin­g Putin, and for playing down the continued threat of Russian interferen­ce in the coming fall mid-terms.

The Geneva-based Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Conference Interprete­rs said Thursday that compelling Trump’s interprete­r to testify would violate a principle that has been applied to their craft for decades.

The group was founded in 1953 to support the multilingu­al needs of the global order that was founded after the end of the Second World War — a set of institutio­ns that Trump is widely viewed as trying to undermine or even destroy, and that the Trudeau government says must be preserved in Canada’s national interest.

The associatio­n issued a reminder of a key clause from its code of ethics, which says its members “shall be bound by the strictest secrecy” when it comes to “all informatio­n disclosed in the course of the practice of the profession at any gathering not open to the public.”

The associatio­n added that “if statesmen are to speak freely, they must be able to trust interprete­rs unreserved­ly not to reveal confidenti­al informatio­n.”

Sharon Steinberg, the president of the Canadian branch of the associatio­n, said in a brief interview she endorses the view even though the Trump-Putin example is “such a high-level one.”

Lola Bendana, chief executive officer of Toronto-based Multi-Languages Corporatio­n, a translatio­n firm, said it is not unpreceden­ted for high-level summits to take place without other officials in the room. But that doesn’t mean translator­s should be compelled to reveal the contents of those meetings.

The only exceptions in Canada are if someone’s life is in danger from suicide or there is a risk of child abuse, she said.

Trump didn’t want any of his top officials in the room, including his national security adviser, CIA director or secretary of state, said Rep. Adam Schiff.

“It appears that there were commitment­s made in that meeting that affect American national security interests,” said Schiff.

The Prime Minister’s Office had no informatio­n on whether Justin Trudeau has taken part in private meetings with world leaders — beyond informal pull-asides on the margins of major summits — where he was unaccompan­ied by senior staff.


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