National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Garments worn by Arabs

5. Set of false teeth

10. Prehistori­c tool

14. Free-swimming tunicate

15. Anatomical networks

16. Roman numeral for 62

17. Study of workplace design

19. College in Vancouver

20. Pineapple in French

21. Injures a muscle

23. Cut with scissors

25. Put on guard

26. Wheeled toy

29. Greek vowels

32. Mountain on Baffin Island

33. Fred and Wilma’s pet

35. Hill of sand

36. Long period of time

37. Weak in colour

38. Cousin of the Addams Family

39. Circle sections

41. Nickname of the Sikorsky S-64 crane used to carry the radio antennae to the top of the CN Tower

42. Mountain in Thessaly

43. Prison guard

45. Understand­ing of another’s feelings

48. Branches

49. Patron saint of sailors

50. Give profession­al advice

53. Chinese tea

57. Favaro who is Canada’s longest serving on air medical correspond­ent

58. National park in Quebec

61. Pale red colour

62. Gasket

63. People being talked about

64. Nervously irritable

65. ___ Bay (city in Ontario)

66. ___ d’oeuvre


1. Sailing

2. Farm building 3. Aquatic plant

4. Radio advertiser 5. Drinking toast

6. Moon vehicle 7. Canadian name in graphics cards 8. Muscle twitches 9. Actress Jayne from Toronto 10. Earned as profit

11. Put out a fire 12. Cowardly character in “The Wizard of Oz”

13. Metal containers

18. One billionth prefix

22. Drive into

24. Foot-operated lever

26. Edge of a lake

27. About

28. Area of high pressure

30. Nervous

31. Bristle

32. Wood used in shipbuildi­ng

34. British cinematogr­apher

37. National Park in Quebec

40. Soviet chess champion

42. Earstone

44. Australian bird

46. Agricultur­al implement

47. Cupid

50. ___ Breton Island

51. Roman poet

52. A prime minister of Japan

54. Eight in Spanish

55. To deny in French

56. Precious stones

59. Former Russian peasant community

60. Social insect

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