National Post


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. Pleads with 5. Voracious eel

10. Regrettabl­y

14. Plant with spiny-toothed leaves

15. Corpulent

16. Enjoyable

17. King of beasts

18. Polite, without being friendly

19. Mountain lake

20. Wild, dangerous people

22. Changed to falsify

24. ___ pro nobis

25. Recognized

26. Sour cherry

29. Made a grimace, as in pain

33. Places in a specified location

34. Distinctiv­e theories

36. Ruth’s mother-in-law

37. Branch of learning

38. They shoot from a hiding place

40. Shout of warning during a street hockey game

41. Large area of land

43. Unchanged

44. Old coin of the Netherland­s

45. Concerning this

47. Word for word

49. A princess wears one

51. Fury

52. Brown cane used for walking sticks

55. Skinned knees, e.g.

59. With in French

60. Join together

62. Stupefy

63. Prong

64. Threshold

65. Circuit court

66. Early Icelandic literary work

67. Take as one’s own child

68. Important university official


1. Soothing, healing ointment 2. Lamb’s pen name 3. Thug

4. Elderly people

5. Soft leather shoe 6. Kimono sashes

7. Gun the engine

8. Flu variety

9. Butter colour

10. Aerial

11. Spinner of yarns

12. 4047 square metres 13. Arrange for the going of 21. Constellat­ion between Scorpius and Pavo

23. Gemini (with The)

25. Capital of Uganda

26. Seabird of northern seas

27. Essential oil from rose petals

28. RCMP Security Services’s replacemen­t, for short

30. Hot drink

31. Send a message via computer

32. Loose soil

33. Space ahead of you as you move along

35. Tractor-trailer truck

38. Showing little reaction to pain

39. Reluctant to speak

42. Order of mammals including dolphins and porpoises

44. Was very afraid of

46. Bright spot on the sun

48. Make a mistake

50. Family of frogs

52. One of a matched pair

53. Greedy

54. Give money that must be paid back

55. Motion used in walking

56. Robin Fraser-___ (British costume designer)

57. Old Testament book

58. Looked at

61. Halifax Explosion ship

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