National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Korean unit of currency

5. Plant part

9. Old tar-soaked rope

14. Bundle of hay

15. She in French

16. Capital of Egypt

17. All the customers of a business

19. Cup in French

20. Run with long easy strides

21. Grinding tooth

23. Japanese name suffix

24. Shoelace end

26. National Park in

British Columbia

28. From one place to another

31. Outlines of legal cases

33. Brandy

35. Soft mass

37. Capek play

38. Young deer

40. Island in French

41. Sleeps lightly

43. Warmed leftover food

46. Canadian figure skater Hawker

49. Uncomforta­ble situation

50. Within reach

51. Young salmon

52. Morse code signal

54. Stage play

56. Elder in French

59. Greek epic poem

61. Asian food, used in soups

64. World in French

65. German actress Sommer

66. Informed about

67. Young ox

68. ___ majesté

69. Change direction


1. Network “Heartland” is on 2. Entrance room 3. Assortment

4. Town in Manitoba

5. Allow

6. School for early education 7. Give as a share

8. Seem to yourself 9. Former local tax in Europe 10. Battery size 11. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitat­ion 12. ___ Major

13. Former linebacker for the Argonauts

18. Desert region in Israel

22. Village in Ontario

25. Scandinavi­an man’s name

27. New Testament book: abbr.

28. Farm building

29. Same amount

30. Paint thinner

31. Tests of a computer’s performanc­e

32. Singing syllables

34. Dread mingled with reverence

36. Red vegetable

39. Go away!

42. Compass point

44. Book of maps

45. Actor Peter from England

47. Its used for climbing

48. Do wrong

51. Pleasant expression

52. Turns down the lights

53. Small island in French

55. Adam and Eve’s son

57. Hawaiian goose

58. Italian noble family

60. Fruit drink

62. A vitamin

63. Rocky peak

 ??  ??

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