National Post

Drug trial shows we’ve learned from tragedies of the past.

- MARNI SOUPCOFF National Post

On Monday, Amsterdam University Medical Center announced that researcher­s there were ending a clinical trial after 11 babies in the study died of lung disease. The mothers of the infants had been given the drug sildenafil — which most of us know by the brand name Viagra — while the babies were still in utero.

The hope had been that the treatment would help increase the delivery of nutrients to the unborn infants, all of whom suffered from serious fetal growth restrictio­n — a condition that greatly increases the risk of stillbirth or infant death soon after birth. Unfortunat­ely, not only were no positive effects found from the sildenafil, the evidence suggests the drug may have caused or hastened the 11 infants’ deaths. None of the babies of women in the control group (who received a placebo instead of sildenafil) died of the same lung condition.

It’s hard to read a headline about 11 babies dying in a drug trial without thinking, “How could something this horrible happen today, with all we now know about the dangers drugs can pose to embryos and fetuses? Didn’t we learn anything from the thalidomid­e tragedy?”

The answer is that we learned a huge amount from the thalidomid­e tragedy, in which approximat­ely 2,000 babies died and approximat­ely 10,000 infants were born with severe deformitie­s from the late 1950s until the early 1960s. During that time, thalidomid­e was widely touted as a safe treatment for morning sickness and was widely prescribed and used as such, even though it had never been thoroughly tested on pregnant women. In 1961, the drug was finally recognized as a teratogen (an agent that causes a malformati­on of an embryo) and pulled from the market.

Thalidomid­e taught us the crucial — and now seemingly obvious — lesson that the drugs a pregnant woman takes can cross the placenta and harm the embryo or fetus. It led to more careful and thorough drug-testing procedures; better methods for ensuring informed consent of people participat­ing in drug trials; and more transparen­cy from pharmaceut­ical companies.

In fact, as horrible as it is that 11 babies died in the recent sildenafil trial — and as understand­able as it is that our instinct is to react to this news by recoiling from such experiment­s — the Dutch study demonstrat­es how responsibl­e and careful researcher­s have become about testing drugs for pregnant women.

The trial was halted as soon as the potential problem was discovered. What’s more, researcher­s conducting similar studies in other parts of the world — including Canada — were notified immediatel­y, allowing them to also take the precaution of halting their trials until it can be establishe­d if sildenafil really led or contribute­d to the babies’ deaths or if the difference between the sildenafil babies and the controls was merely a matter of chance.

Equally important, the public was quickly informed, too. As of this writing, a Google news search for “Viagra” pulls up 46 articles about the babies’ deaths.

The Dutch researcher­s had no reason to anticipate that sildenafil taken during pregnancy would cause high blood pressure in newborns’ lungs. Sildenafil generally does the opposite: it increases blood flow to the lungs, hence its prescripti­on to adults who have pulmonary high blood pressure, to relieve their symptoms and improve lung function.

It’s possible that the Dutch newborns with high blood pressure in their lungs were actually reacting to the terminatio­n of their sildenafil treatment — in a way, the drug they’d been receiving regularly in utero was abruptly terminated once they were born. The lead researcher of the Australian and New Zealand trials told CNN that it “is biological­ly plausible that withdrawal from the drug at birth has led to a rebound effect on the pulmonary vasculatur­e.”

But it’s not as if this was an obvious outcome the Dutch researcher­s should have foreseen. None of the other sildenafil trials — in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. — had shown similar adverse effects.

When would a mother ever consent to exposing her baby to such a study? Probably only when the odds of the baby surviving and thriving without any interventi­on were painfully low.

Our willingnes­s to let scientists and parents take such calculated risks — while also taking every reasonable precaution to minimize the chance of harm — is a clear demonstrat­ion that we’ve not only learned something from past mistakes, but that we’re also intent on moving forward, even if perfect safety can’t be guaranteed.

We will all reap the benefits of the life-saving possibilit­ies that will result.

 ?? RICHARD DREW / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A trial of the use of sildenafil to help in fetal growth restrictio­n was called off after the deaths of 11 babies.
RICHARD DREW / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A trial of the use of sildenafil to help in fetal growth restrictio­n was called off after the deaths of 11 babies.
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