National Post

From Petro-Canada to Pipero-Canada


Justin Trudeau’s Liberals are about to undertake their first significan­t piece of energy nationaliz­ation in three decades, and it’s going to be ugly. Their imminent $4.5-billion takeover of the Trans Mountain pipeline and its $7-billion-plus expansion proposal, has its nearest historical counterpar­t in the acquisitio­ns made by Pierre Trudeau’s state oil company, Petro-Canada, in the 1970s and 1980s.

But the attitude of the second Trudeau regime to nationaliz­ation could not be more different from the first. The good news is that the acquisitio­n of Trans Mountain is attached to no grand xenophobic industrial strategies (in fact it goes in the opposite direction, to Ottawa’s commitment to a low-carbon “transition.”) The bad news is that it is an act of sheer desperatio­n by a government that finds itself up climate-policy creek in a barbed wire canoe.

In fact, the lessons of Petrocan appear entirely forgotten, if indeed they were ever widely known. Petrocan was taken over by Suncor almost 10 years ago and is now known by most people merely as a gas station brand that sponsors sports on the CBC. Suncor runs Petro-Canada now as a respectabl­e business, but given its history, it is remarkable that the brand should exist at all. Anybody who kept around “Titanic,” “Edsel” or “Enron” as a brand name might be thought deranged, but it’s in the same category that Petrocan belongs.

The state oil company’s very expensive lesson was that government can’t run things (it never made a cent of profit), can’t compete with the private sector (it was comprehens­ively outmanoeuv­ered when it tried to take over Husky), can’t resist using such instrument­s for political reasons (It grossly overpaid for Petrofina to “show the flag” in Quebec), and is inevitably bamboozled by its own creations (chairman and CEO Bill Hopper kept the board in the dark, but was brilliant at persuading Ottawa to fund the expansion of his empire). It did however run a very successful Olympic torch relay to Calgary in 1988.

Then again, do we need any more lessons in government incompeten­ce? The federal Liberals’ announceme­nt in May that they would buy Trans Mountain coincided with an auditor general’s report that Canada has a “broken government system.” Among the many other things it can’t do is build bridges (Champlain), or organize payroll systems (Phoenix).

Bizarrely, however, the fact that the government can’t run anything in particular has transmogri­fied — thanks to the manufactur­ed climate crisis — into a claim that it must “sustainabl­y” regulate everything in general. This megalomani­c aspiration is just one part of a program of global governance co-ordinated by the utterly corrupted and incompeten­t United Nations. Predictabl­y, that system is crashing the world over, and not just because of President Donald Trump’s denialist deplorable­s.

When Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced the Trans Mountain deal a couple of months ago, he couldn’t stress too strongly how the government had no intention of being in the pipeline business long term. Part of the deal was that the project’s parent, Kinder Morgan, would help the government look for another private investor to whom to pass the parcel. The period for Kinder’s assistance ran out last weekend, just after the cabinet reshuffle that saw Edmonton MP Amarjeet Sohi take over the Natural Resources portfolio, and with it responsibi­lity for Trans Mountain. Sohi politely declared that he had “big shoes to fill,” but the more important feature of the ministeria­l footwear previously worn by Jim Carr, his predecesso­r, is that it is nailed to the floor.

As the former minister for infrastruc­ture, Sohi knows something about handing out government money, but Trans Mountain is not a problem that can be solved by throwing taxpayers’ cash at it, although that was inevitably the government’s first resort (Albertans should be doubly appalled that Rachel Notley is also willing to kick in up to $2 billion).

Meanwhile the Liberals’ infrastruc­ture plans have been treading water. Ironically, in their desire to shovel money out the door, the Liberals abandoned a provision that projects should be checked out for their potential as public-private partnershi­ps; government­s were considered far more efficient at spending money. The Liberals would love a P3 now.

Ottawa has been peddling the notion that lots of companies have been looking at Trans Mountain, and that it may have snapped up “a bargain,” but despite the offer of government indemnitie­s against political risk, nobody has stepped in. Any investor that did so would be rash indeed, for the more funds the government had to pay out to cover all costs caused by court delays and civil disobedien­ce, the more the investor would be pilloried as an incompeten­t corporate-welfare bum. Certainly all sorts of investors would be interested in buying the system once — or rather if — the expansion were completed.

It is difficult to imagine how Trans Mountain will not remain a political albatross until the next election, although the Liberals obviously made the political calculatio­n that buying it was better than simply having the project die immediatel­y due to their startlingl­y muddled policies on energy and the environmen­t.

It is hardly good news for the Liberals that Trans Mountain is likely to be overshadow­ed by the even larger — but very much related — fight over carbon taxes, as current and imminent provincial premiers, reflecting the belated awakening of their electorate­s, fight these economical­ly destructiv­e and environmen­tally pointless burdens.

Under government ownership, pressure is bound to increase for Indigenous interests to be given an equity interest. That in fact may be inevitable. But there are also other pressing issues, such as how many women there will be on the Trans Mountain board, and whether the company’s procuremen­t is suitably supportive of racial, gender and every other diversity.

While it should be of concern that the “learnings” of Petrocan have never been absorbed, Trans Mountain is about to provide a whole new set of lessons about the contradict­ions of pretentiou­s green progressiv­ism.

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