National Post


- Chris Knight

When we first meet Collin, the character played by Daveed Diggs in Blind-spotting, he’s just another black man getting out of jail in Oakland, Calif. His year of probation requires that he not leave the county, abide by a curfew and stay out of trouble.

Three hundred and sixtytwo days later, Collin seems to be a model of rehabilita­tion. He’s back at his halfway house every night by 11 (give or take five minutes) and holding down a job at a moving company, where he takes great care not to accidental­ly leave Alameda County.

But if you judge a man by the company he keeps — and one of the arguments of Carlos Lopez Estrada’s feature directing debut is that maybe you shouldn’t always — then Collin is living on the edge of criminalit­y thanks to his (illegal) gun-toting friend Miles (Rafael Casal). Miles is white, by the way.

Blindspott­ing was written over a period of years by Diggs and Casal, who, like the characters they play, have been friends since childhood. They are close enough that Collin sometimes calls Miles the N-word affectiona­tely. So does Miles’ wife, who is also black. But people who don’t know Miles sometimes mistake his street talk for an affectatio­n, which leads to another of the film’s arguments, that maybe cultural appropriat­ion isn’t always as clear-cut as it seems.

The funny thing about Blindspott­ing is just how funny it is, given how thought-provoking it also is. It’s got the pacing of a sitcom, and features some weirdly riotous scenes, like the bit where Miles busts into a hairdressi­ng salon with an offer of cut-rate hair tongs, which results in Collin being used as an experiment­al subject to test their abilities.

But then you’ll get a scene with Wayne Knight as a photograph­er whose work includes pictures of Oakland properties with oak trees superimpos­ed on them; the trees themselves are long gone, part of the ongoing gentrifica­tion of parts of the city.

Or, much darker, the night when Collin, stopped at a red light and itching to get home before his curfew, witnesses an act of police violence he is powerless to influence. It haunts him for the rest of the movie; one imagines it will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Blindspott­ing — the unusual term will be defined by Collin’s ex-girlfriend Val, given sympatheti­c portrayal by Janina Gavankar — is one of a number of films this summer that put a sharp focus on the black experience in America. And like Boots Riley’s Sorry To Bother You, and Spike Lee’s upcoming BlacKkKlan­sman, it ends on a powerful note, this time as Collin constructs a freewheeli­ng rap/poem to give voice to the demons that trouble him. The movie is great fun; the underlying messages couldn’t be more serious. ★★½

Blindspott­ing opens July 27 in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, with other cities to follow.

 ?? ARIEL NAVA / LIONSGATE VIA AP ?? Co-writers Daveed Diggs, left, and Rafael Casal in a scene from Blindspott­ing.
ARIEL NAVA / LIONSGATE VIA AP Co-writers Daveed Diggs, left, and Rafael Casal in a scene from Blindspott­ing.

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