National Post

It’s a shame Ford’s diesel F-150 came after Diesel gate


- David Booth Motor Mouth

‘Damn it, Bhu, you were supposed to bring me a diesel.” You know, all clickety-clack high-pressure injection on startup, a bit of a ruckus from the engine bay once the idle settled down and a coarseness — this was, after all, a Ford F-150 pickup — to the throttle belying its compressio­n ignition.

But, nooo, there were no telltale signs of diesels, the darn engine sitting there, purring like a bloody Lexus V8 that went to finishing school. Not a hint of vibration in the cabin, not the slightest indication that I was driving sans spark plugs.

Damn it! I wasn’t angry, but my little trip to Ottawa to pick up my dad’s furniture suddenly got very expensive. The F-150, a Platinum double cab no less, was a gargantuan affair, barely smaller than my townhouse it seemed (at least when trying to park it undergroun­d) and I was going to be hauling a load of old furniture.

“Hell,” I though to myself, “if this was one of those 3.5-litre Eco-Boosts, this is either going to get very expensive (as in it’s going to suck back a lot of high-test) or slow (the only way to get decent gas mileage from a turbocharg­ed engine is to keep it off the boost and cruise around 90 km/h). And Bhu (the world’s best car wrangler) is usually so damned reliable.”

And then I looked at the tachometer and there it was — the redline prominentl­y marked at 4,600 rpm. So, unless we were back in the days of Ford’s flatheads, this was a diesel. Bhu hadn’t made a mistake. Actually, nobody had. Instead, somewhere along the line Ford had learned how to make a diesel, well, sophistica­ted.

In fact, from my vantage point (again, the driver’s seat), the F-150’s new 3.0-L Power Stroke V6 felt more sophistica­ted than similar TDI engines that power various German luxury sedans. Oh, they’re buttery smooth and responsive as all get out, but even an Audi A8 oil burner gives off just the slightest of clickety-clacks right after it lights off, the tiniest reminder of the extraordin­ary fuel economy that is to come.

Not the F-150. Once I determined that it was, after all, a diesel — sorry for doubting you, Bhu — I listened more intently every time I started it and, well, either I’m finally starting to go deaf or Ford has applied some serious magic to its combustion stroke. Nothing. Nada. Nyet on the high-compressio­n boom.

Now, this wasn’t always so. I can vividly remember the first Power Stroke-powered Ford I drove, a giant 7.3-L affair that, upon startup, caused all my neighbours to rush to their front windows to check who was being attacked by the anti-aircraft gun. Accompanie­d by a big plume of blue smoke, that F-150 was not nearly as popular with the condo committee.

And yet, for all its civility, this smallest of Power Stroke engines also delivered the goods. At 130 km/h — yes, dad’s prized armoire was tied down tightly — the gas gauge read 10.2 L/100 km. At a buck-twenty, it was around nine. And, for the brief stint I ran 100 km/h (for testing purposes only, because I’m a thorough autojourna­list), it rang in at an incredible 7.2. That’s the kind of frugality that made my dad’s accountant — now the slightly less-than-proud owner of a Hemi-powered Ram — literally green with envy. Coupled with 440 pound-feet of torque (expected for a diesel) and 250 horsepower (a nice little surprise), this might be the perfect truck powertrain.

What makes this sad — at least to fans of oil burners — is that diesel’s day is done; Europe’s Dieselgate scandal put an end to the inroads that TDIs were just starting to make into the North America psyche. Loyal VeeDub owners may be hanging onto their TDI Jettas, but the proliferat­ion of “clean diesels” as an alternativ­e to hybrids is dead.

Indeed, one can make the argument that Dieselgate was the awakening of the EV revolution. Certainly, Tesla’s Elon Musk jumped on the opportunit­y to castigate traditiona­l automakers for their wayward emissions. And, to be sure, the pace of proelectri­c vehicle, anti internalco­mbustion legislatio­n around the world spiked after regulators, especially in Europe, figured out they’d been thoroughly rooked by automakers they had completely trusted.

What makes this whole affair all the more soap opera-like is that the very same companies that have propagated this NOxspewing scandal are now the most vociferous advocates of converting their fleets to emissions-free electric motivation. Indeed, one can’t seem to open any automotive magazine without a headline that one German automaker or another is going to outdo the other in its rapidity to convert to battery power.

The problem with this, the reason I say this is soap opera-like, is that the verbiage they’re using to promote their new-found EV religion — good for the environmen­t, reduced overall emissions, etc. — is the very same they used some 20 years ago when they were pushing diesel to meet the Kyoto Protocols.

The cry for subsidies, the alarmism if we don’t adopt this new technology, the almost religious fervour with which its adherents couch their arguments, it’s nearly all the same. I know we’ve been lying to you for 20 years (and, judging by the recent announceme­nt of an investigat­ion into Mercedes-Benz diesels, haven’t really stopped) goes the new mantra, but now we’re telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Ford is putting out the best diesel I’ve ever tested. And you can be damned sure it meets emissions regulation­s. There’s a lesson in there somewhere.

 ?? FORD ?? The Ford F-150’s new 3.0-L Power Stroke V6 diesel engine might be the perfect truck powertrain, David Booth writes.
FORD The Ford F-150’s new 3.0-L Power Stroke V6 diesel engine might be the perfect truck powertrain, David Booth writes.
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