National Post


- Ross MaRowits

The telecommut­ing revolution envisioned by futurists, in which vast numbers of workers eschew their daily commute in favour of working remotely from home, never quite turned out as predicted.

However, a growing number of Canadians are taking the term “working remotely” literally, leaving the hustle and bustle of city life behind to work from their cottage or winter home down south, says a real-estate specialist.

“To the extent that that expands further, I think it will further enable the larger trend of working from places that you like,” said Brad Henderson, president and CEO of Sotheby’s Internatio­nal.

For many, that means avoiding the summer commute to cottage country.

It is especially suited for consultant­s and senior executives with the flexibilit­y to work remotely from anywhere with little need to visit a corporate office, said Henderson.

Many are choosing to take their profits from selling their home in the city and relocating to a property near a lake while perhaps maintainin­g a condo in the city.

Henderson has seen interest across the country from Montrealer­s relocating to the Laurentian­s or Eastern Townships, Torontonia­ns heading to Muskoka, Collingwoo­d and the Kawarthas and western Canadians choosing Banff, Canmore, Whistler and Kelowna.

When Vancouver home prices were especially crazy, Henderson said there was a trend of people selling and moving to Victoria.

“They could telecommut­e for most of what they needed, and if they really needed to be in Vancouver it’s a halfan-hour helicopter ride from harbour to harbour.”

Chris Van Lierop and his husband and business partner, Tim Wisener, relocated their home and design business to Fenelon Falls in Ontario’s Kawartha Lakes area.

The pair has changed their focus from designing city homes to helping city folks build cottage retreats.

They made the move last September after constantly prolonging the time they spent at the cottage.

Internet service can be a challenge when they visit clients in areas where signals are harder to come by.

It’s the number one issue people ask about when planning to work from a cottage, says Jim Pine, chief administra­tive officer of Hastings County and co-lead on the non-profit Eastern Ontario Regional Network.

The network has spent $175 million to upgrade service in Eastern Ontario and is working on further changes to reach more homes and improve access and speeds.

“There are still areas where there are challenges for people to either get a line-of-sight signal even on satellite.”

Enticing people to conduct their business from the cottage is a way to ensure more services are available in rural areas by increasing tax revenues, said Denise Williams, acting manager of economic developmen­t for the city of Kawartha Lakes.

Rural communitie­s need to attract new people to open businesses and provide the local services required to maintain a quality of life, said Terry Rees, executive director of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associatio­ns.

“There are a ton of small businesses in rural Ontario that have no transition plan and no succession plan, and many of them are in the sunsetting kind of phase and that’s got to be worrisome to everyone who’s concerned about the rural economy across Canada,” he said.

The federation recently sponsored a survey that found that 28 per cent of respondent­s currently work from their waterfront communitie­s. Nine per cent work remotely full time and 70 per cent do so occasional­ly.

Of those who don’t work from their waterfront communitie­s, 37.5 per cent would consider doing so.

The three largest barriers they identified were access and cost of internet service, distance to clients and the lack of social infrastruc­ture.

About one million of Canada’s 12.6 million households owns a second home.

Statistics Canada doesn’t track the number of people working from their cottages, but the share of non-farming Canadians working at home has remain unchanged since 1996 at just over six per cent.

Realtor Dean Michel moved with his young family to a family-owned cottage because he was tired of the Toronto rat race.

“I thought if I can make it work up here, then I’m going to do it,” he said.

Michel said moving to the tranquilit­y of a cottage is part of a societal shift for retirees or those nearing retirement. “They just look at the end of their life and say, ‘I’ve got 20 to 30 years left or whatever, do I want to spend it in the rat race?” ’

 ?? FRED THORNHILL / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Chris Van Lierop and his husband moved their home and business to Ontario’s Kawartha Lakes area.
FRED THORNHILL / THE CANADIAN PRESS Chris Van Lierop and his husband moved their home and business to Ontario’s Kawartha Lakes area.

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