National Post

Should it be SHAFTA, MAGA+2 or LAFTA?


Is Canada about to sign on to SHAFTA, MAGA+2 or, maybe, LAFTA?

Donald Trump said his updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement would have to get a new name, the old one tarnished by a “bad connotatio­n.”

Well, the internet has responded, though perhaps not in the spirit the U.S. president intended.

From the mostly snide suggestion­s offered up by followers of a Washington­based professor of Canadian studies to a radio-station poll, Trump now has a variety of choices for replacing the NAFTA name, or at least its acronym.

The Twitter-posted proposal of Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies, typifies the general tone. CBIATA, he suggests — Can’t Believe It’s a Trade Agreement.

The Twitter challenge to which Miles responded was issued by Chris Sands, head of the Center for Canadian Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Sands said he actually was hoping to get some suggestion­s Trump might want to adopt, but also recognizes it was a chance to vent about a process that has put many people “on edge.”

“I think we’re all feeling exhausted … by the high pressure of this, by the negativity in a lot of ways,” Sands said. “Trump has engineered this kind (of ) psychologi­cal pressure on everybody by saying, ‘Well, I could withdraw from NAFTA or I could leave Canada out.’ It’s had an effect.”

Trump, meanwhile, may already have come up with his replacemen­t acronym. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that he told a private meeting of supporters he wants to call it USMC — for United States Mexico Canada, though the initials are currently better-known for the U.S. Marine Corps.

Mike Fejes, a Canadian military officer and Carleton University doctoral student, responded to Sands’ call with LAFTA … Laurentian Free Trade Agreement. “I meant Laurentia as the large continenta­l mass that forms the ancient geological core of North America — kind of a turn-the-clock-back concept that Trump would love,” he explained.

On an even lighter note was Laval professor Jonathan Paquin’s TTD — for Trumpomani­a Trade Deal.

Trade lawyer Dan Ujczo, a close follower of the NAFTA renegotiat­ion, proposed the upbeat WINA — Workers Initiative for North America — or NEWA — New Economic and Workers Agreement.

The iHeart Radio network conducted a poll between three names it suggested. The winner referenced that U.S. has already struck a new trade deal with Mexico, and played off a favourite Trump slogan: Make America Gringo Again (MAGA). On a similar note was the Twitter posted suggestion MAGA+2.

Democratic activist Carol York made clear her view of Trump’s treatment of U.S. trade partners and Americans, suggesting his trade deal should be SHAFTA.

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