National Post

When courts fly under the radar

- Brian Bird Brian Bird is a doctoral student in law at McGill University.

Premier Doug Ford has announced that he will use the notwithsta­nding clause to override a court’s ruling that the law that reduces the size of Toronto city council is unconstitu­tional. This step has renewed the debate of how and when this controvers­ial part of the Canadian Constituti­on should be used.

If the controvers­y over the notwithsta­nding clause stems from a discomfort with prolonging the life of laws that have been found unconstitu­tional, we would be remiss to overlook the relatively unknown but commonly deployed judicial version of it: the suspended declaratio­n of constituti­onal invalidity.

Suspended declaratio­ns of invalidity are court orders that, like the notwithsta­nding clause, temporaril­y prolong the life of laws after courts have found them unconstitu­tional. These orders delay the effect of a declaratio­n of unconstitu­tionality to a later date, rather than give the declaratio­n immediate effect. In short, these orders keep unconstitu­tional laws alive for a period prescribed by a court. In recent years, the Supreme Court has used these orders in relation to such issues as physician-assisted death and prostituti­on. Their purpose is to allow legislatur­es to cure the constituti­onal defects in laws in a context that is free from abrupt and at times significan­t legal changes that might follow immediate declaratio­ns of constituti­onal invalidity.

Since the first use of a suspended declaratio­n in 1985, the remedy has become commonplac­e in the constituti­onal law portfolio of the Supreme Court of Canada. Compared to the notwithsta­nding clause, however, suspended declaratio­ns have flown under the radar. These declaratio­ns, I submit, are problemati­c for many reasons.

Suspended declaratio­ns exceed the powers expressly afforded to Canadian courts. Our Constituti­on does not mention these declaratio­ns (whereas the South African Constituti­on, for example, does). The constituti­onal provision that enables judicial review for constituti­onality in Canada — s. 52(1) of the Constituti­on Act, 1982 — only contemplat­es immediate declaratio­ns of invalidity.

It is therefore no accident that for more than a century after Confederat­ion, suspended declaratio­ns of invalidity were unknown in Canada. Where a law was found unconstitu­tional, it was immediatel­y invalidate­d. The 1985 case that introduced suspended declaratio­ns concerned whether Manitoba was constituti­onally required to publish its laws in both English and in French. The Supreme Court found that Manitoba was so required but at the same time acknowledg­ed that, by virtue of this conclusion, most of Manitoba’s laws would be invalidate­d from the date of their enactment. The Court went on to find that an unwritten constituti­onal principle — the rule of law — would not countenanc­e a province largely unruled by law. On that basis, the Court issued a suspended declaratio­n to afford Manitoba time to re-enact its unilingual laws in both official languages.

I accept that the rule of law — specifical­ly the dimension of this principle that demands a stable body of laws to rule us — authorizes suspended declaratio­ns where an immediate declaratio­n of invalidity would yield lawlessnes­s. I submit, however, that such a scenario is the only justificat­ion for these declaratio­ns. Since the Manitoba case, the Supreme Court has expanded the list of circumstan­ces in which suspended declaratio­ns are legitimate — but it has done so without persuasive­ly anchoring these circumstan­ces in a written or unwritten portion of our Constituti­on.

While the rule of law authorizes suspended declaratio­ns in extreme cases, these declaratio­ns can also threaten the rule of law if they are misunderst­ood. When physician-assisted death was on the horizon in Canada in 2015, a court in Quebec upheld a law in that province that allowed physician-assisted death during the period in which the federal crime of assisted suicide remained valid due to a suspended declaratio­n of invalidity. In Canada, where a valid federal law and a valid provincial law conflict, the federal law prevails. The Quebec court erred by concluding that the federal law was not valid during the period of suspended invalidity. Allowing the Quebec law to operate during that period violated the rule of law.

Suspended declaratio­ns also violate the separation of powers in certain cases. Our Constituti­on, via the notwithsta­nding clause, only expressly permits legislatur­es to prolong the life of unconstitu­tional laws (more specifical­ly, laws that violate certain Charter rights and freedoms). Suspended declaratio­ns effectivel­y grant this power to Canadian courts. In relation to physician-assisted death, the federal government asked the Supreme Court in 2016 for an extension of the period of suspended invalidity. The federal government could have invoked the notwithsta­nding clause to obtain this extension, as the clause applied to the Charter right that was at issue in the litigation. There was, in other words, no need to involve the judiciary. Arguably, in light of the notwithsta­nding clause and the separation of powers, no court should have issued a suspended declaratio­n of invalidity in the physician-assisted death litigation.

Fortunatel­y, there may soon be an opportunit­y for the Supreme Court to revisit the principles governing suspended declaratio­ns of invalidity. Reminiscen­t of the Manitoba case, there is an ongoing lawsuit that alleges that Quebec has violated a constituti­onal duty to enact all of its legislatio­n in both English and in French.

If the Supreme Court finds that Quebec has violated the Constituti­on, the Court will have — and should take — the opportunit­y to explain why the judicial version of the notwithsta­nding clause is authorized in cases that pose a grave threat to the rule of law — and why it is illegitima­te in all others.


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